“Invisalign Has Been Really Nice!” – Ashley’s Story

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

Where did Ashley start?

Ashley came to Eggert Family Dentistry as a new patient in the fall of 2016 with pain in the areas of her wisdom teeth, also known as 3rd molars.  The panoramic image shown below shows the need to have her wisdom teeth extracted due to the impacted angle and their inability to erupt on their own.  They were also putting a lot of pressure on her erupted second molars. With the impaction, Ashley’s teeth were also becoming more crowded, which she didn’t like.  Dr. Jeff referred Ashley to an oral surgeon to have her wisdom teeth extracted and that took care of one problem.

Ashley was also experiencing tissue recession, mostly due to the crowding and current position of her teeth.  One option Dr. Jeff discussed with Ashley was the possibility for gingival grafting (gum-tissue grafting).  In a grafting procedure, tissue is added to the root surface to cover the root back up again and increase gingival height and thickness.  For Ashley, this may have worked, however, due to her crowding, the ability for the graft to last a lifetime was very unlikely.  Therefore, Dr. Jeff suggested Ashley consider orthodontically moving her teeth.  Ashely was most interested in Invisalign and had read about it from our blogs, learning that we do that procedure here at Eggert Family Dentistry in North Oaks, MN with Dr. Elizabeth Eggert.  Dr. Elizabeth met with Ashley and determined she would be a great candidate for Invisalign!

What was involved?

Ashley went through the “Invisalign Records Process.”  At that time, we took impressions and photos of her teeth and sent them to Invisalign so they could create a 3D simulation of how her teeth could move with Invisalign treatment.  Ashley was very happy with the simulation, which showed a significant improvement to her crowding.

During the Invisalign Records Process, Dr. Elizabeth also noted with Ashely a fair amount of muscle tension and while Ashley didn’t initially report having frequent headaches, throughout treatment, she noticed a difference in her tension and that she no longer was having headaches.  It is amazing how people learn to live with what ails them, but how much better they can feel working their way to healthy!

Ashley’s case was expected to consist of 28 aligners that she would wear 22 hours a day.  Ashley’s case called for a few “buttons,” which are attachments on the teeth.  Basically, these small buttons allow the Invisalign aligners to grip onto your teeth more effectively (similar to a traditional orthodontic metal bracket).  These attachments help move the teeth more effectively.  Ashley was very compliant and consistent in wearing her aligners as instructed and was able to complete her case after the expected 28 aligners, needing no refinements!

What does Ashley think?

When we asked Ashley what she thought about the Invisalign process, she said her only thought is that it was more appealing than getting traditional braces.  “It’s been really nice!  It has reduced my headaches and that was the biggest thing, and it has reduced the crowding too.”  She says that if she were discussing Invisalign with someone considering the treatment she would tell them, “It’s definitely worth it.  Don’t get discouraged the first few weeks; it gets better.  It may be uncomfortable at first, but it gets much better.”

We are so happy that we could help Ashley on her journey and fulfill our motto of providing “Dentistry for a Lifetime of Smiles!”  Congratulations, Ashley on your wonderful results!

My Journey with Adult Orthodontics and Porcelain Veneers – Cathy’s Story

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

How did this start?

For over 20 years Cathy has been a loyal patient with Eggert Family Dentistry and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert.  Back in 2020 Cathy was having pain and she believed it to be due to her bony ridges growing on her lower right under her tongue.  These bony growths are known as tori.  Cathy noticed she had more pain in the evening and thought it was getting worse.  Typically, tori aren’t dangerous, but they can be uncomfortable and inconvenient.  They can also be linked to heavy forces being applied in your mouth.  Dr. Elizabeth explained to Cathy that her bone was likely continuing to grow due to the heavy forces her muscles were placing on her teeth and bones.  It was at that time that Cathy got serious about considering adult orthodontics because Dr. Elizabeth had mentioned the benefits of correcting her bite in the past and Cathy didn’t want to keep letting her muscles win!

What did Cathy want?

Cathy was not interested in removing the tori but was interested in Invisalign as an option for adult orthodontics.  It was determined after a consultation with Dr. DeVoe that conventional braces were a better option for Cathy and so she agreed to follow his professional advice.

What was involved?

During orthodontic treatment, the wear pattern on Cathy’s teeth became more apparent because Dr. DeVoe had to choose whether to align her front teeth at her gum line or at the biting surface.  Since Cathy shows a fair amount of gum tissue when she smiles, it was recommended to align the teeth at her gum level and change the tooth shapes with porcelain veneer restorations.  Dr. Elizabeth talked with Cathy about how she could elect to only restore her front teeth and about the advantages, including color matching and tooth proportions, of restoring her six anterior teeth.

Cathy decided she wanted to change her tooth color and shape for all six of her front teeth and so Dr. DeVoe and Dr. Elizabeth coordinated her final orthodontic movements to set her up for porcelain veneers.

Cathy at the end of her orthodontic treatment

Cathy wanted whiter teeth so Dr. Elizabeth recommended that Cathy undergo Zoom in-office whitening to brighten all her teeth so the porcelain veneers could be made to the same brighter color.  Cathy’s teeth responded well to the Zoom procedure.

Before and After Zoom Whitening

Once the whitening was completed, Dr. Elizabeth did a wax-up for Cathy to see what her teeth would look like once the restorations were completed.  A wax-up helps you be able to visualize the final outcome.  Dr. Elizabeth was also able to do a mock-up of the wax-up in Cathy’s actual mouth, using a plastic material.  This really helped Cahty see how the veneers would look before changing her teeth.  After only seeing the wax-up, Cathy thought it looked nice, but said “It is hard to know without seeing it in my mouth.”  Luckily, doing the mock-up worked and Cathy’s reaction was “Oh wow!”  She was very pleased and was ready to move forward with the preparation for the veneers.

Cathy’s Mock-up

What does Cathy think?

When asked what Cathy thought about her restorations before actually proceeding she said, “I was nervous about the prep and what that would be like.  I didn’t know how much tooth structure would be there, but I was also excited about correcting the teeth that were uneven.”  After all the treatment was completed, she said she is very pleased with her results.  When asked what she would say to a friend that has similar issues or is considering getting this type of treatment done she said, “I would say positive things about the outcome!  I would let them know about the time frame and the prep appointments.  It’s a commitment, but well worth it!”

Thank you Cathy for putting your trust in us!  We love your results and look forward to serving you for many years to come!

Cathy After

A New Year’s Smile with Invisalign and Bonding – Ted’s Story

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

Where did this start?

Ted has been a loyal patient of Eggert Family Dentistry and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert for over 13 years.  Ted was having an issue with chipping of his front teeth.  Over the years the enamel of his front teeth started to get thinner.  This was mostly because of the tooth positions of his lower front teeth.  Dr. Elizabeth talked with Ted about orthodontic movements to help increase the longevity of any future restorations, but Ted wasn’t ready to do anything until he additionally bumped his front tooth and because of the weak enamel, a significant chip occurred.  Ted still wasn’t ready for orthodontics and asked Dr. Elizabeth to start by simply fixing the tooth with composite.

Fast forward nearly 2 years and Ted started to notice the enamel thinning again with his front teeth.  He understood that the lower front tooth positions put more strain on his edges and he was ready to talk about Invisalign options for orthodontic tooth movement.

What was involved?

Dr. Elizabeth gathered the records needed for Invisalign orthodontic treatment.  She sent impressions, photos, and x-rays of Ted’s teeth to Invisalign where they created a 3D simulation, called a clincheck, to show how his teeth could move with Invisalign treatment.  Ted was very happy with the simulation, which showed a significant improvement to his crowding, especially on the lower front teeth and he decided to move forward with Invisalign.

Ted’s case was expected to consist of 19 aligners that he would wear for one to two weeks at a time for 9-12 months.  As part of Ted’s Invisalign treatment, Dr. Elizabeth included “bite ramps” on his aligners because he clenches heavily on his teeth.  Bite ramps prevent patients from being able to bite down completely and clench.  They help give the muscles a “stop” point and remind the muscles to stay in a more relaxed position.  Ted was consistent in wearing his aligners as instructed.

After his Invisalign treatment was complete, Dr. Elizabeth made minor alterations to the biting surface of some of Ted’s teeth to remove interferences and even out his bite.  This process is called equilibration and will help prevent further wear on Ted’s new smile.  Once the equilibration was complete and Ted completed some whitening with Opalescence whitening solution at home, Ted was ready to strengthen his front teeth with composite bonding.  Dr. Elizabeth added resin plastic filling material to his central incisors.  Because his teeth are now in a better position, it was even possible to add a little length to Ted’s teeth, giving him a more youthful smile.

What does Ted think?

Ted said “I wanted my teeth fixed!  I was more curious than anything as I read about orthodontic options online.  I am happy I chose to do Invisalign with Dr. Elizabeth, but I wasn’t sure how long it would take.”  Ted was really happy with the results and said that it was not nearly as bad as he had initially anticipated.  He was concerned about not being able to eat and drink with the aligners in, but after living with them awhile, he realized it wasn’t as bad over the course of the year as he thought it would be.  “They still are a bit inconvenient” but “well worth it.”  When asked what he would say if he were talking to someone considering getting this type of treatment done, Ted noted he would tell them it’s “Absolutely worth it!”  Ted, thank you for putting your trust in us to complete your care!  We love your new bright smile and are happy that with the tooth movements, the results will be much more stable over the long-haul!  Congratulations!


From Crowded to Confident – Matthew’s Story

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

How did this start?

Matthew has been a patient of the practice for nearly 20 years, starting with Dr. Furey and then transitioning to Dr. Jeff.  As a teenager he underwent traditional orthodontics and felt that his teeth were straight.  Unfortunately, like so many, Matthew had periods of not wearing his retainers and his teeth moved over time, especially his lower front teeth.  As Matthew entered his 30’s it was starting to bother him more and he asked Dr. Jeff if Invisalign would be right for him.  Dr. Elizabeth met with Matthew and together, they determined that Invisalign would be able to help bring his smile back to where he was as a teenager.

What was involved?

Dr. Elizabeth sent impressions, photos, and x-rays of Matthew’s teeth to Invisalign where they created a 3D simulation of how his teeth could move with Invisalign treatment.  Matthew was very happy with the simulation, which showed a significant improvement to his crowding.  He decided to move forward with Invisalign.

As part of Matthew’s Invisalign treatment, Dr. Elizabeth included “Bite Ramps” on his aligners because he clenches his teeth very heavily.  Bite ramps prevent patients from being able to bite down completely and clench.  It helps give the muscles a “stop” point and reminds the muscles to stay in a more relaxed position.  Matthew liked his bite ramps as his muscles felt very good while wearing the aligners.

Matthew’s case was expected to consist of 20 aligners that he would wear for 10-14 days at a time.  Matthew was very compliant and consistent in wearing his aligners as instructed and was able to complete his case after the 20 aligners as expected.

What does Matthew think?

Matthew thought it was something he wanted to do because he wanted to straighten his teeth and after looking into Invisalign he decided it was the best option for him.  What he liked most about the process was that it did not take as much time and it wasn’t painful at all!  When asked what he would tell a friend that was considering Invisalign treatment he said he would highly recommend it.  It is definitely an investment in your time and money, but it is worth it!

Matthew’s case was expected to consist of 20 aligners that he would wear for 10-14 days at a time.  Matthew was very compliant and consistent in wearing his aligners as instructed and was able to complete his case after the 20 aligners as expected.


Transform Your Smile with Invisalign: A Journey to Success at Eggert Family Dentistry

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

Are you dreaming of a straighter, more confident smile, but hesitant about the prospect of traditional braces? Look no further than Eggert Family Dentistry in North Oaks, MN, where Dr. Elizabeth Eggert and Dr. Jeff Eggert offer the transformative power of Invisalign. This revolutionary orthodontic treatment is changing the lives of patients, making the journey to a beautiful smile easier and more comfortable than ever before.

Invisalign:  A Clear Solution to Straight Teeth

Invisalign has taken the world of orthodontics by storm, offering a discreet and effective way to correct misaligned teeth. Unlike traditional braces, which uses wires and brackets, Invisalign uses a series of clear, removable aligners to gradually shift your teeth into their desired positions.

One of the biggest advantages of Invisalign is its subtlety. The aligners are virtually invisible, allowing you to straighten your teeth without anyone noticing. This means you can go about your daily life with confidence, whether you’re at work, socializing with friends, or taking selfies.

The Invisalign Experience at Eggert Family Dentistry

At Eggert Family Dentistry, Dr. Elizabeth Eggert and Dr. Jeff Eggert are committed to providing exceptional care and ensuring a seamless Invisalign experience for their patients. They take the time to understand each patient’s unique needs and create a customized treatment plan tailored to achieve the best results.

One of the key aspects that makes Invisalign so easy for patients is its comfort and convenience. The aligners are made from a smooth, BPA-free plastic that won’t irritate your cheeks and gums. You can also remove them for eating, allowing you to enjoy all your favorite foods without restrictions. Brushing and flossing are a breeze since there are no wires or brackets to navigate around.

Patient Success Stories

The success stories of Invisalign patients at Eggert Family Dentistry speak volumes about the effectiveness of this treatment. Patients of all ages have achieved remarkable transformations, boosting their confidence and improving their oral health.

One patient, Beth, shares her experience: “While going through Invisalign was a big commitment, I was always self-conscious about my crooked teeth, but I didn’t want to deal with the hassle of traditional braces. Invisalign was the perfect solution. Dr. Elizabeth made the process so easy, and now I don’t have any hesitation about showing my teeth. The results are incredible. I can’t stop smiling!”

Another patient, Kyle, adds, “I was having dental pain and Dr. Elizabeth helped me understand how my bite was causing a lot of the trouble due to my crooked teeth. The clear aligners were comfortable and I hardly noticed I was wearing them. Now, I have a great smile and NO PAIN now that my teeth are in the right spot!”



Unlock Your Smile’s Potential

Invisalign at Eggert Family Dentistry offers a clear path to the smile you’ve always wanted. With the expertise of Dr. Elizabeth Eggert, along with the convenience and comfort of Invisalign, you can achieve a straighter, more beautiful smile without the hassle of traditional braces.

Don’t let misaligned teeth hold you back. Join the ranks of satisfied Invisalign patients at Eggert Family Dentistry and experience the transformation for yourself. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards a brighter, more confidence future. Your journey to a stunning smile starts here. Give us a call at 651.482.8412.

Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces: Which is Right for You?

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

No one’s smile is perfect, and you should love your smile no matter what! But sometimes having crooked, crowded, or gapped teeth can negatively impact your self esteem. Additionally, this kind of malocclusion can make it harder to floss, chew, and even speak.

If you or someone in your family wants to straighten their teeth, whether for medical or cosmetic reasons, there are mainly two orthodontic treatments they can choose from: the traditional solution of braces, or the newer method of invisible aligners, commonly called Invisalign.

But which is best? At Eggert Family Dentistry in North Oaks, both Dr. Jeff Eggert and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert have years of experience helping patients obtain the smiles they’ve always dreamed about. Dr. Elizabeth is well-trained in the Invisalign system and is even able to help patients at Eggert Family Dentistry undergo this type of orthodontic tooth movement right in our own office! Still, it makes sense to learn about the pros and cons of both types of treatment to determine which one is right for you.


What are Braces?

Traditional braces are orthodontic appliances made with metal brackets. These brackets are attached to the teeth using a non-toxic dental cement and held together by a metal wire and rubber bands that wrap around the brackets.

For hundreds of years metal braces have been used to safely and effectively straighten teeth into their correct positions, and modern day braces are extremely comfortable, reliable, safe, and effective!

Nowadays, there are multiple kinds of braces to choose from. Patients can now opt for ceramic brackets, which are less noticeable than metal, or lingual braces, which are bonded to the backs of your teeth (on the tongue side).

How Do Braces Work?

Braces use mild, constant pressure to shift your teeth into their proper positions over time. The treatment can last anywhere from 12 months to three years, depending on the severity of your misalignment. Though, the average treatment time for adults is two years.

We rely on one of our amazing local orthodontists to complete traditional braces for our patients.  Typically, you would have an adjustment appointment  every four to six weeks.

Pros of Braces:

  • They’re the most powerful solution:  It doesn’t matter how badly your teeth are crowded, braces will effectively anchor onto the teeth and pull them into the desired position. They are able to generate more force than Invisalign, making them an effective treatment for even the most severe cases of misalignment.
  • Multiple types of braces to choose from:  As we mentioned earlier, you can choose from either the traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, or lingual braces.
  • Faster treatment time:  When it comes to closing gaps and straightening teeth, braces tend to be the faster solution. This is because the braces put more pressure on the teeth causing them to move more quickly.
  • They stay on your teeth: This can be seen as a pro or a con, but for those who are prone to losing items or maybe not the most compliant, it’s definitely a pro: braces stay attached to your teeth for the duration of your treatment, so there’s no chance of them being lost or the treatment not progressing!

Cons of Braces:

  • Aesthetics: Traditional braces are more noticeable when you smile or speak. While some people don’t mind the look of braces, many people wish they weren’t so visible.
  • Cleaning your teeth can be difficult: Patients need to take great care to make sure they’re brushing and flossing well while they’re wearing braces. With the metal wires, flossing can be particularly challenging.
  • Changing your diet: Hard and sticky foods have the potential to break your metal brackets. If this happens, your braces treatment will be ineffective until the bracket has been fixed. So, while you’re wearing braces, you’ll want to avoid foods like hard candy, caramel apples, corn on the cob, etc.


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign clear aligners are a set of plastic trays (aligners) that slowly shift your teeth into the desired position. These clear aligners function much like traditional braces, but they’re much more discreet.

How Does Invisalign Work?

As we’ve said, Invisalign gently and subtly repositions your teeth over time, just like braces do. The entire treatment involves many sets of aligners that are changed out every couple of weeks. Each new set of aligners is designed to move your teeth 0.25 mm until your teeth are completely straight.

Pros of Invisalign:

  • Cleaning your teeth is easy: In contrast to traditional braces that are permanently attached to your teeth, Invisalign aligners are easily removed for brushing and flossing!
  • No need to change your diet:  Because they can be removed, there is no need to alter your diet to accommodate your aligners. But remember, for the best results, Invisalign aligners need to be worn for 22 hours per day, so don’t forget to put them back on when you’re finished eating!

Cons of Invisalign:

  • Can be lost:  Because Invisalign aligners are removable, that means they can be easily lost if you’re not careful. If you lose your aligners, you’ll need to contact Eggert Family Dentistry to get replacements right away.
  • Teeth won’t move:  If you aren’t compliant with wearing your aligners, your teeth won’t move. This can be very frustrating for both the patient and the dentist! If you aren’t willing to commit to 22 hours of wear each day, Invisalign isn’t the right treatment for you.
  • May not be suitable for severe cases:  If the patient is experiencing severe malocclusion, crowding, or jaw issues, Invisalign may not be the most appropriate form of treatment.

Interested in hearing more about Invisalign? At Eggert Family Dentistry we can create a customized Invisalign treatment plan for you and your family. We’d be honored to help you achieve a straighter, healthier smile! Call us today at (651)482-8412!

Revolutionizing Dental Care with the iTero Scanning Unit at Eggert Family Dentistry

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

In the northeast suburbs of the Twin Cities, Dr. Elizabeth Eggert and Dr. Jeff Eggert of Eggert Family Dentistry in North Oaks, MN, are taking dental care to new heights with the innovative iTero scanning unit. This cutting-edge technology is not only streamlining the process of scanning for Invisalign cases, but also enhancing a wide range of other dental procedures, ensuring patients receive top-notch care in a comfortable and efficient manner.

The Power of iTero:  A Game-Changer in Dental Scanning

Traditional dental impressions were once synonymous with discomfort, gooey molds, and anxious waiting. Fortunately, times are changing. Dental scanning units, like the iTero, are starting to change the way we are able to approach dental care. Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff are now able to use these state-of-the-art scanning units to complete your care, helping to make the patient experience smoother and more precise.

The iTero scanner is a handheld device that uses advanced digital technology to create a 3D model/scan of a patient’s teeth and gums. This can eliminate the need for messy impression materials, while still delivering highly accurate results. The process is non-invasive, comfortable, and efficient, drastically reducing chair time!

Enhancing Invisalign Treatment

At Eggert Family Dentistry, you will see the iTero scanning unit used most often as an invaluable tool for Dr. Elizabeth to scan for her Invisalign cases. Patients seeking orthodontic solutions can now bid farewell to traditional impressions and welcome the iTero experience!

The scanner captures thousands of images per second, allowing her to create a comprehensive digital model of your teeth. This scan/3D model is then used by Invisalign to plan the tooth movements with pinpoint accuracy, ensuring the aligners fit perfectly and deliver optimal results. The iTero technology even allows for us to simulate Invisalign movements during an average recare visit! Ask your hygienist about this today!

Beyond Invisalign:  The Versatility of iTero

While iTero has revolutionized Invisalign treatment, its benefits extend far beyond orthodontics. Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff can utilize the iTero scanning unit in various other dental procedures, such as crowns, bridges, and dental implants. The scanner’s accuracy and precision are essential in ensuring the success of these treatments.

The iTero scanner is particularly advantageous when it comes to the fabrication of restorations like crowns and bridges. With the digital model at their disposal, the doctors can collaborate with dental laboratories more effectively, resulting in restorations that fit seamlessly and look natural.

A Brighter, More Comfortable Future in Dentistry

The iTero scanning unit at Eggert Family Dentistry represents the future of dental care. Dr. Elizabeth Eggert and Dr. Jeff Eggert are committed to providing their patients with the best possible experience, and iTero technology plays a vital role in achieving this goal. With this innovative tool, they can offer better dental care, ultimately leading to healthier, happier smiles.

If you’re seeking dental treatment that embraces cutting-edge technology to deliver superior results, look no further than Eggert Family Dentistry in North Oaks, MN. Call us today for your consultation. We look forward to meeting with you! 651.482.8412.

My Journey to a New Smile – Roxanne’s Story

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

How did this start?

Roxanne has been a long time, loyal patient with us since even before Dr. Elizabeth Eggert started in 2005.  In 2013 she went through the Records Process because she wanted to address jaw pain that had been getting worse since a car accident in 1981.  She also was unhappy with her tooth wear.  Dr. Elizabeth used models, photos, and x-rays of Roxanne’s teeth along with our thorough muscle and joint evaluation to present Roxanne with the current health of her teeth, gums and the function of her jaw and muscles.  The details of the initial records process revealed that Roxanne would benefit from splint therapy in order to help her jaw and tooth pain.  Because of the tooth wear on her front teeth, Roxanne was hitting her back teeth very hard, especially when chewing, causing her muscles and joint to become overworked.  An anterior deprogrammer was recommended for her splint therapy, then veneers were recommended to change the length of her front teeth in order to eliminate the interferences of her back teeth.

What did Roxanne want? 

Roxanne’s main objective was to be pain free and have a fuller, brighter smile.  Roxanne underwent splint therapy with an anterior deprogrammer, but it wasn’t quite enough to get her completely pain free.  She was “pain better,” but not “pain free.”  The stress in Roxanne’s life compounded her pain and it took many years, including work with an orthodontist, a neurologist, an acupuncture specialist, as well as decreased stress in her life to get her to a stable enough position to address her cosmetic concerns.  

Roxanne wondered if bleaching alone would give enough improvement to her smile so she started with Zoom whitening.  Unfortunately, although Zoom helped whiten her smile, it wasn’t to the extent she was looking for.  Plus, whitening alone couldn’t lengthen her front teeth in order to eliminate the interferences in her bite and keep her pain stable.

Therefore, Roxanne was ready to talk about a more comprehensive treatment option for her teeth.  Dr. Elizabeth recommended that Roxanne start with Invisalign in order to improve her crowding and gum tissue levels as well as give her tongue and airway more space.  Invisalign would be able to broaden her smile so she wouldn’t have to do a full mouth of veneers or crowns to get the look she was hoping for.  

What was involved?

Roxanne underwent Invisalign treatment with the goals of improving her crowding, expanding her arch, creating space for porcelain veneers (which would introduce spacing between her teeth), leveling gingival tissue, and providing support for her joints and muscles.  

After only 7 months of Invisalign, Roxanne was then ready to plan for her restorations.  Before starting the final planning stage, Dr. Elizabeth performed equilibration to refine and finalize even contacts with her bite to keep her potential for future pain symptoms under control.  Roxanne wanted her teeth even and white and elected to restore 8 teeth on her upper arch and 6 teeth on her lower arch.  Roxanne did a lot of research before doing her veneers and wanted a “Hollywood Style” look.  The teeth were prepared for the restorations and in less than 3 weeks, Roxanne had her final results.         

What does Roxanne think of her results?

Before the procedures Roxanne was nervous about the time it took and the “permanency of it all,” yet she was very confident in Dr. Elizabeth.  In her final interview, Roxanne said “Dr. Elizabeth told me exactly what would happen, what I should expect, and there were no surprises.  The timeline was just as discussed.”  She also said, “My jaw feels great and my new smile is good.  It’s what I was expecting.”  She would definitely recommend the treatment to others and says that it is a team effort and you have to do everything that is expected of you for the best results.  Roxanne knows that having a better smile is fantastic.  “My smile is pretty important.  If you look better, you feel better!”  

Roxanne was also so kind to write a 5-Star Google Review of our practice and noted “Dr. Elizabeth and I completed a 9 month process of realigning my bite and correcting my dysfunctional jaw.  Along with a complete restoration of my upper and lower teeth.  The results were everything I had hoped for.  I appreciate her knowledge and dedication everyday when I look at my new smile!”  Thank you Roxanne!  You truly are a treasure for us!  We look forward to reading other 5-Star Google Reviews from our patients.  Submit yours today! 

The Power of a Great Bite – Steve’s Story

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

How did this start?

Steve came to us in 2020 and talked to us about how his bite never felt right after a new crown had been done at another dental office.  Steve said that he even had undergone two rounds of Invisalign trying to make his bite feel normal again.  He told us he chose our office because he researched and found that Dr. Elizabeth Eggert had the experience he was looking for in regard to helping people feel better about their bites.  He told us, “I am not happy with my bite and I really just want my jaw to feel better.”  He was not concerned cosmetically about his teeth, but wanted to be comfortable with his bite and to be able to eat again without feeling like he would break his teeth. 

What was involved?

Steve underwent the Records Process and some interesting things were noted from the analysis.  Dr. Elizabeth was able to obtain Steve’s pre-Invisalign records and noticed that he started with spaces between many of his front teeth.

Pre-Initial Invisalign

The analysis helped her find that Steve had a strained muscle and jaw position and therefore, it made sense for Steve to start his treatment with splint therapy to help find a consistent bite position for jaw and muscle comfort.  The best appliance for Steve was an Anterior Deprogrammer to help his muscles release and decrease pressure and stress on his functional system.  After splint therapy, it was clear that Steve’s bite had unevenly high points and his body seemed to crave more space in his mouth because his lower jaw wanted to be forward from where it was.  It was almost like he was “locked” into an uncomfortable position.  Dr. Elizabeth suspected that because Steve’s first Invisalign treatments closed the spaces between his teeth, that a cascade of muscle imbalances followed for him.

She recommended that Steve undergo Invisalign AGAIN in order to open the spaces back up and then restore his teeth to fill in the gaps. 

Invisalign helped gain space back and Steve’s muscles were finally able to relax again, however his teeth still hit somewhat unevenly in the back.  Therefore, equilibration was also completed for Steve to even out the bite forces on his teeth now that his muscles were in a calm position.  After the 3rd round of Invisalign and the equilibration, Steve told us “My muscles feel REALLY GOOD!”

Before restoring his anterior teeth with porcelain veneers to fill in the gaps, Steve also wanted the rest of his teeth whiter.  Steve completed the Zoom bleaching procedure and brightened up at least 5 shades!

What does Steve think? 

Steve is very happy with the final results and said that during the procedure he did not have any worries. 

“I think it was a good process and I didn’t have any sensitivity with my teeth.”  He told us his muscles and bite feel much more stable and he no longer gets the feeling that he is going to break his teeth.  He said “The timeline was good and it went by fast.”  His family also likes the results, but Steve says “It really wasn’t about the cosmetic aspect for me, but it was worth it to have the stability in my bite!”

Congratulations Steve – your results are amazing!  We are so happy we were able to get your bite back for you.  This case was a fun puzzler for Dr. Elizabeth because she was able to figure out how important your “pre-condition” was to a future successful outcome!  We appreciate you putting your trust in us!

Invisalign: How Effective Is It at Moving Teeth?

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

Invisalign is the next generation of braces. These clear aligners are often called “invisible braces” because they function much like traditional braces, but they’re wonderfully discreet. In fact, the company has been supplying their product since 1999, to over 6.4 million patients across the globe, 1.5 million of whom were teenagers at the time of treatment.

If you’re wondering why you haven’t noticed them out and about, that’s just testimony to how invisible they can be. While they may be noticed by folks who are up close and personal, they are extremely hard to detect from a distance.

In addition to being hard to see, they have another benefit over conventional braces – they are easily removed for eating, brushing, flossing, and cleaning, so they are much simpler to live with.

How Do Invisalign Aligners Move Teeth?

Invisalign treatments move teeth the same way that traditional braces do: with slow, persistent traction.

First, let’s talk about the biology of teeth and how they’re anchored. A tooth is connected to your jawbone by a periodontal ligament. This ligament is composed of a bundle of fibers that contain collagen, which is a type of protein. These fibers provide the anchor that secures your teeth to the bone of the jaw.

On one end of the ligament, the collagen fibers attach to surfaces of the tooth’s root by depositing a substance called cementum into living cells on one side of the bone. On the other end of the periodontal ligament, the fibers reach into your jawbone.

While we often think of our teeth as planted, rock-solid, into the jaw, they are actually dynamic. The ligament anchor system permits limited movement as the teeth react to the forces inherent in biting.

Your periodontal ligament, cementum and jawbone react to the continually changing pressures in your mouth. The act of chewing actually has a restorative impact. When you bite, the tension and compression that result are relayed to your ligament through its many protein fibers. Tension causes cementum to be deposited in the bone while compression causes the resorption or dissolution of bone and cementum. These ongoing oppositional forces and reactions help to keep your teeth anchored and in position.

The bottom line is that your teeth aren’t actually rock solid: they are naturally capable of subtle wiggling and repositioning.

How Invisalign Helps Teeth Change Position

Invisalign treatment works by relying on the natural processes within your mouth. The aligners gently and subtly reposition teeth slowly over time. Patients generally receive a new set of Invisalign aligners every one to two weeks. Each set is designed to move your teeth 0.25mm during your first three days wearing them. During that three-day period, the periodontal ligament adjusts itself to the new alignment. For the remainder of the two weeks, the collagen fibers of the ligament are applying cementum in order to attach to your bone in their new position.

In order to get good results, Dr. Jeff and Dr. Elizabeth encourage Invisalign patients to wear their invisible aligners for the recommended daily period, which is generally 22 hours per day. This translates to removing aligners only to eat, floss, brush, and to clean the aligners. The rest of the day and night, leave them in place for the most effective treatment.

Talk to us about a customized Invisalign treatment plan for you and your family. We’d be delighted to help get you all on the path to a straighter, healthier smile! Call us today at 651.482.8412!

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