Raising Awareness: Oral Cancer and the Vital Role of Screenings at Eggert Family Dentistry

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

April marked Oral Cancer Awareness Month, a crucial time dedicated to highlighting the importance of early detection and prevention of this often fatal disease. At Eggert Family Dentistry in North Oaks, MN, Dr. Elizabeth Eggert and Dr. Jeff Eggert took this opportunity to reinforce their unwavering commitment to your oral health. Throughout the month, they emphasized the importance of oral cancer screenings, which they incorporate into every recare check-up appointment.

Facts About Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a serious condition that affected approximately 12,000 people in 2023. It can develop in any part of the mouth or throat, including the lips, tongue, and the floor of the mouth. Unfortunately, oral cancer is often detected in its later stages, leading to a lower survival rate. In fact, the five-year survival rate for oral cancer is only 68%. This makes early detection through regular screenings critically important. At Eggert Family Dentistry, Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff use the latest technology and techniques to ensure any signs of oral cancer are caught as early as possible, significantly improving the chances of successful treatment.

One of the key messages during Oral Cancer Awareness Month is that anyone can be at risk for this disease. However, certain factors can increase your risk, including tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, and exposure to the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is now recognized as a significant risk factor for oropharyngeal cancers, which affect the back of the throat, base of the tongue, and tonsils. The rise in HPV-related oral cancers has brought increased attention to the importance of the HPV vaccine as a preventive measure.

What is the HPV Vaccine?

The HPV vaccine is a powerful tool in the fight against oral cancer. It is known as Gardasil 9. It is most effective when administered before individuals become sexually active, which is why it is recommended for preteens, both boys and girls, starting at ages 11 to 12. However, the vaccine can still be beneficial for older teens and young adults up to age 26 who were not previously vaccinated. By ensuring your children receive the HPV vaccine, you can significantly reduce their risk of developing HPV-related cancers later in life.

At Eggert Family Dentistry, Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff understand that cancer prevention begins with you and your ability to take proactive steps for your family’s health. They encourage you to discuss the HPV vaccine with your child’s healthcare provider and to follow through with the vaccination schedule. Vaccinations are typically available at your local healthcare provider’s office, community health clinics, and sometimes even through school-based programs.

In addition to promoting the HPV vaccine, Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff emphasize the importance of maintaining regular dental check-ups. These appointments are not just for keeping your teeth clean but also for comprehensive health screenings, including oral cancer detection. By incorporating oral cancer screenings into every recare check-up, they ensure that you receive thorough evaluations that can catch potential issues early, when they are most treatable.

Oral Cancer Awareness Month is a reminder of the significant impact early detection and prevention can have on your health. By visiting Eggert Family Dentistry for your regular check-ups and ensuring your children receive the HPV vaccine, you are taking vital steps toward protecting yourself and your loved ones from the threat of oral cancer. Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff Eggert are dedicated to providing you with the best care possible and are here to support you in maintaining a healthy, cancer-free life.

Call Eggert Family Dentistry today to make sure you have your family’s next recare visits scheduled. Summer is coming and the schedule fills fast, we want to help keep you on track for all your dental and oral health needs. 651-482-8412.

Take Charge of Your Dental Health in 2024!

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to focus more on your dental health? If not, it’s never too late to make it a priority! If you focus on keeping your teeth and gums healthy, your overall well-being (and your wallet) will thank you.

So how can you improve your dental health this year? Well, a healthy smile goes beyond just brushing and flossing — it also involves regular dental check-ups and “recare” visits. Let’s take a look at why improving your dental health should be high on your list, various ways you can improve your oral health, and some examples of easy dental resolutions you can follow in 2024.

The Link Between Dental Health and Overall Health

As the new year unfolds, many of us make resolutions to lead healthier lives, the classic resolution being to hit the gym. And while many think exercise and nutrition are the end-all-be-all of health, the truth is that our body’s wellbeing is a result of many interconnected systems, each affecting the other. Your dental health, for example, can impact various aspects of your overall health, including cardiovascular health, respiratory health, and even mental health.

Oral health’s impact on the heart: Study after study has shown that people who have poor oral health (such as gum disease or tooth loss) have higher rates of cardiovascular problems such as heart attack or stroke than people with good oral health. Researchers have proposed many theories as to why this connection exists, including bacteria from the mouth traveling through blood vessels, inflammation causing an immune response, or the correlating factor of smoking cigarettes. Whatever the cause, the relationship between oral health and cardiovascular health has been demonstrated many times over.

Oral health’s impact on the lungs: According to research, oral health directly impacts incidences and outcomes of lung diseases, such as pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In a healthy person, the lungs are usually able to fight off any bacteria that would accumulate in the mouth and travel through the respiratory system. However, when a person’s lungs are compromised by a pre-existing respiratory condition, the lung’s immune response is weaker. This makes it easier for bacteria that accumulates in an unclean mouth to travel to the lungs and cause infections.

Oral health’s impact on mental health: Studies since the COVID 19 pandemic have shown that mental health and oral health are correlated, with associations demonstrated between mental health problems and tooth loss, periodontal disease, and tooth decay. Dental decay and tooth loss can lead to more frequent pain, which often increases social isolation, and feelings of low self-esteem. All of this results in a lower quality of life, which often leads to poorer mental health.

Poor oral hygiene can have a domino effect on multiple systems of the body. By resolving to improve your dental health in 2024, you’re not just preserving your smile – you’re protecting the wellbeing of your entire body.

The Importance of Regular Recare Visits

Most people understand that brushing twice and flossing once daily are the pinnacles of good oral health. However, it’s equally important to schedule regular dental appointments, also known as recare visits — it is important to realize that these visits are much more than “just a cleaning.” It is essential to be committed to them and never skip out! When scheduled regularly, these appointments play a key part in preventing and detecting dental problems early on.

When you schedule a recare appointment with Eggert Family Dentistry, Dr. Jeff Eggert or Dr. Elizabeth Eggert can make sure that small problems like gingivitis and cavities don’t escalate into more significant (and expensive) issues, such as periodontal disease and tooth loss. When you come in for your appointment, not only will you get a professional teeth cleaning, but you’ll also receive a thorough check-up to ensure the health of your mouth and the quality of any dental restorations/devices such as fillings, crowns, dentures, or veneers.

Questions? Call Eggert Family Dentistry

Your smile is an essential part of your overall health, and when you prioritize your dental health, you’re investing in a lifetime of well-being. Call Eggert Family Dentistry at 651.482.8412 to schedule your recare appointment today or to ask any questions you have about dental health. Make 2024 the year you take charge of the health of your smile – your future self will thank you!

The Fizz Dilemma: How Carbonated Water Affects Your Tooth Enamel

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

Carbonated water, with its effervescent charm, has gained immense popularity among health-conscious individuals and soda lovers alike. It offers a refreshing alternative to sugary sodas. But have you ever wondered if those satisfying bubbles could be harming your pearly whites? In this article, we delve into the science behind the effects of carbonated water on tooth enamel, explore alternatives, and discuss how Dr. Jeff Eggert and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert, Dentists at Eggert Family Dentistry in North Oaks, MN, can help you maintain a radiant and healthy smile.

Understanding Carbonated Water

Carbonated water, also known as sparkling water or seltzer, is water infused with carbon dioxide gas under pressure, creating delightful bubbles and fizz. While it’s often considered a healthier alternative to sugary beverages, it’s not without its concerns when it comes to your dental health.

The Science Behind It

When you enjoy a bubbly sip of carbonated water, the carbon dioxide dissolves in the water to form carbonic acid. It’s this mild acid that raises concerns for your tooth enamel. Tooth enamel is the hard, protective outer layer of your teeth. It’s primarily composed of minerals, particularly hydroxyapatite, which can be vulnerable to acid erosion.

Carbonated water is mildly acidic, with a pH around 4.5, making it more acidic than tap water (pH 7). Regularly exposing your teeth to acidic substances can weaken and erode the enamel over time, leaving your teeth more susceptible to cavities and sensitivity.

Carbonated Water vs. Soda Pop

Surprisingly, carbonated water may be just as bad for your teeth as soda pop, albeit in a slightly less severe way. The carbonic acid in sparkling water can erode enamel gradually, while soda contains not only acid but also sugars that bacteria feed on, producing harmful acids. This can lead to more immediate and severe tooth decay.

Alternatives to Carbonated Water

If you’re concerned about your dental health but still want a refreshing beverage, there are alternative choices. Plain water is, of course, the best option for your teeth, as it is pH-neutral and doesn’t pose any risks to your tooth enamel. Herbal teas and unsweetened iced tea are also great alternatives. If you prefer carbonation, you can limit your consumption of carbonated water to meal time and consider switching to unflavored options or those with added minerals like calcium, which can help counteract the acidity.

Eggert Family Dentistry: Your Dental Health Allies

Dr. Jeff Eggert and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert, our dentists at Eggert Family Dentistry in North Oaks, MN, are dedicated to helping you maintain excellent oral health. They provide expert dental care, including preventive services, dental hygiene, and advice on maintaining strong and healthy teeth. Regular dental recare visits with check-ups and professional cleanings are crucial to addressing any enamel erosion concerns and maintaining your radiant smile.

Recently, Dr. Elizabeth completed an exam for a patient we hadn’t seen in over a year. This patient had 3 fillings recommended in January, 2022 due to decay between her teeth. Unfortunately, now, not even two years later, she has 8 fillings recommended and 2 crowns because her decay rate is rampant. When Dr. Elizabeth suspected something in the diet or a health change, she questioned this patient and together they determined the patient often drinks over 4 carbonated waters each day, sipping them throughout the day.

While carbonated water may have a milder impact on your tooth enamel compared to soda pop, it’s essential to be mindful of its acidic nature. You can enjoy sparkling water in moderation and opt for alternatives that are more tooth-friendly.

And when it comes to safeguarding your dental health, trust Dr. Jeff Eggert and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert at Eggert Family Dentistry in North Oaks, MN, to guide you on your journey to healthy, vibrant teeth. Your smile is worth preserving, and they’re here to help you do just that. Call us today to schedule your next recare visit! 651.482.8412!

Comprehensive Dental Care for All Ages: Why Dr. Jeff and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert Should Be Your Family Dentists in North Oaks, MN

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

Are you searching for a family dentist who can cater to the dental needs of your entire family, from kids to teenagers, adults and even seniors? Look no further than Dr. Jeff and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert, leading dentists in North Oaks, MN. We offer comprehensive dental care for patients of all ages. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of transitioning all of your family members to our practice and highlight the value we bring in ensuring your family’s proper dental development.

The All-Inclusive Approach

Dr. Jeff and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert have earned a stellar reputation for our family-friendly dental practice. Our commitment to providing top-notch care for patients of all ages sets us apart as your go-to family dentists. At Eggert Family Dentistry, we take a comprehensive approach to oral health, including not only detection of decay and periodontal disease, but of growth and development issues, airway issues, sleep issues, and a whole lot more.

Transitioning Children and Teenagers

It’s common for kids to start their dental journey with a pediatric dentist, and this can be appropriate up to a certain age. However, as children grow and develop adult teeth, it becomes essential to transition them to a family-friendly dentist. Dr. Jeff and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert have the expertise to handle the unique dental needs of kids, teenagers, and young adults, ensuring that their oral health is carefully monitored during crucial stages of development.

Detecting Decay and Ensuring Proper Development

One of the most critical reasons to transition your child or teenager to Eggert Family Dentistry is our ability to detect dental issues early. Untreated cavities can lead to more significant problems in the future. By having your child seen regularly, you can address any decay or orthodontic concerns before they worsen.

Furthermore, ensuring proper dental development during adolescence is crucial. At Eggert Family Dentistry, we pay close attention to tooth alignment, bite issues, and orthodontic needs. Detecting and addressing these concerns early can lead to a smoother and more effective treatment plan, potentially saving you time, money, and discomfort down the road.

We Don’t Want to Scare You, But Check These Out!

This month being Halloween, we want to share a couple patient stories. These are SCARY situations where we wish we could have been introduced to the patients earlier and caught things before they became so serious. Luckily Dr. Jeff and Dr. Elizabeth know what to do to help these patients, but prevention is always our goal!

Here is an example of a teenage patient undergoing orthodontics and who was working with a pediatric dentist. Unfortunately, this patient had a cavity that got so deep before Dr. Elizabeth found it that she had to build up a serious amount of the tooth to bring it back to health.

Here is another example of excessive decay. This is a senior citizen who was going regularly to another general dental office, but her decay got so deep, she has to lose an anchorage tooth of her front tooth bridge. The patient has to invest in a new bridge in order to keep her front teeth from going missing.

Dr. Jeff and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert have seen countless families benefit from their all-encompassing approach to dentistry. It is also so rewarding to see trends in families and to be able to stop disease on the early side by paying attention. Schedule an appointment today for all your family members and experience the difference that dedicated, all-ages dental care can make. We can’t wait to bring your family to ours! 651.482.8412.

Cavities vs. Tooth Erosion

By; Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

When we talk about cavities and tooth erosion, we’re talking about two very different dental processes. While both processes result in the breakdown of your teeth, they can be caused by different factors, and thus require different solutions.

In this post we’re going to share the differences between cavities and tooth erosion, their effects on your dental health, and offer some suggestions for prevention.

Cavities (Also Called Tooth Decay)

Cavities are permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of your teeth that develop into tiny openings or holes. This tooth decay can be caused by a combination of factors, including:

  • Bacteria in your mouth
  • Frequent snacking
  • Sipping sugary drinks
  • Acidic foods or drinks
  • Not cleaning your teeth well

Dental Effects

Because cavities make the tooth weaker, they can cause a number of uncomfortable side effects, including:

  • Toothache
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Mild to sharp pain when eating or drinking something sweet, hot, or cold
  • Visible holes or pits in your teeth
  • Brown, black, or white staining on any surface of a tooth
  • Pain when you bite down


The best way to prevent cavities is to maintain a proper oral hygiene routine. You should be brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day. Additionally, you need to maintain a regular cadence of visiting Eggert Family Dentistry for professional dental cleanings and recare visits. While your at-home regimen is critical to preventing cavities, getting your teeth professionally cleaned on the interval recommended by Dr. Jeff or Dr. Elizabeth is key to making sure no stone is left unturned when it comes to your oral health.

Tooth/Enamel Erosion

Tooth enamel is the hard, translucent coating that covers the crowns of your teeth, protecting them from bacteria. This coating helps prevent tooth decay, and thereby plays a critical role in overall dental health. But, when enamel is eroded, problems arise.

Enamel erosion is similar to tooth decay in that it weakens the tooth. But rather than being caused by bacteria, teeth surfaces can be worn down and weakened by:

  • Acids in food and drink
  • Stomach acids
  • Misalignment
  • Clenching and grinding
  • Chewing ice
  • Naturally weak enamel

When your enamel wears down, your chances of developing decay become much higher, as there’s less of a protective layer between bacteria and the softer interior of your teeth.

Dental Effects

If you experience any combination of the following symptoms of enamel erosion, make an appointment with Eggert Family Dentistry today:

  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Pain or discomfort when eating something sweet, hot or cold
  • Change in the color of your teeth (with erosion, they often look gray or yellow)
  • Change in shape of your teeth (they may become sharp, chipped, or sometimes smooth like a stone)
  • Cracks in the teeth


To prevent tooth erosion, reduce your intake of food and drinks containing acid. Or, if you’re going to have high acid food/beverages, try to eat them with other non-acidic foods to balance the acid content. Additionally, don’t brush immediately after you eat or drink food containing acid. Instead, rinse with tap water and wait about an hour until your enamel has a chance to remineralize again from your saliva before you brush.

Most importantly, to prevent tooth erosion, visit Eggert Family Dentistry for regular recare visits so we can keep an eye on your dental health! We can assess whether these damages are due to acidic foods, decay,  or bruxism, which can be prevented with appropriate treatment. Consider using a remineralization medicament, and ask about the restoration of your teeth to prevent further damage.

If you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity, changes in tooth color, cracks, chips, or dents in your enamel, or if you’re due for your next recare, routine dental visit, please don’t hesitate to contact our office at 651.482.8412 and set up an appointment today!


Replacing Maryland Bridges – Kate’s Story

By Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

How did this start?

Kate works in the medical field and came to us as a new patient in 2019.  At her new patient exam, Dr. Elizabeth noted that Kate was congenitally missing her upper lateral incisors.  The lateral incisor is the small tooth next to the central, front tooth. Missing lateral incisors are most commonly caused by a condition called hypodontia, in which someone is born with missing teeth.  This situation is more common than you realize.  Kate had her lateral incisors replaced by “Maryland” bridges over 30 years ago and she had some issues with them staying bonded in the past.  Maryland bridges aren’t used much anymore, but can be a decent way to replace teeth (temporarily) for patients that are young because over time tooth and gum changes are expected.

Kate had a bridge on her lower right side as well that came out due to the fracture of one of the abutment (anchor) teeth.  After this occurred, Kate decided it was time to work on her bite since she wanted implants to replace her lower teeth and once implants are placed, it is more difficult to idealize a bite since the implants can’t be moved with orthodontics like teeth can.

Patient Story - Kate

What did Kate want?

Kate wanted to complete her treatment as soon as possible, but she understood that changing her bite would include orthodontic treatment.  Kate worked with Dr. Brian DeVoe and had traditional brackets and wires placed.  Luckily, Dr. Elizabeth was able to section Kate’s original Maryland bridges so the teeth could still be moved, but Kate would not have to go without teeth in the front during her orthodontic treatment.  Kate was hoping to replace her missing teeth with implants so she would not have to use her adjacent teeth as anchors, however, due to the fact that Kate had been missing her lateral incisors her whole life, there wasn’t enough bone for implants without serious bone grafting interventions.  Even with surgical interventions, Kate still only would have had a guarded prognosis for implants.  Therefore, Kate decided to complete her case with conventional bridges.

Patient Story - Kate

What was involved?

Kate spent approximately 18 months in braces.  After she completed orthodontics, Kate came to our office for the pre-planning phase for her new conventional bridges.  We took impressions for a wax-up so Kate could preview her new restorations.  With the wax-up, we were able to complete a mock-up in Kate’s face so she could really see how the new bridges would look.  Kate also spent some time bleaching of her natural teeth so she could use a white porcelain for her new bridges.  This helped to brighten her smile.  One interesting thing occurred while Kate was bleaching.  She had purchased bleach online from the Amazon store, but ended up with a severe ulceration of her tissues from that bleach.  After reviewing techniques for healing, her tissue did heal and we were able to continue on with her treatment plan.

After Kate approved the mock-up and her gingival tissue healed, she returned to our office for the preparation of her teeth for conventional bridges.  We placed temporary bridges for a couple of weeks and then the final bridges were cemented.  She finished her treatment by having new orthodontic retainers fabricated.

Patient Story - Kate

What does Kate think?

When we asked Kate what she thought about the treatment once completed, she said that she didn’t understand everything that would go into correcting her bite and planning for new restorations.  She initially thought it would be a shorter process.  She was surprised at all the detail that went into the planning and the treatment.  “I am just amazed at the precision and every single thing that was considered.  Dr. Elizabeth Eggert’s skill and ability to do what she does truly amazes me.”  When asked what she would tell someone thinking of getting this done, she said, “I would tell them to trust the process and to trust Dr. Elizabeth.  It may not be the easiest to live through or it may seem long and tedious, but the end results are so worth it!”  Thank you for putting your trust in us to complete your care, Kate!  We love your new bright smile!

Patient Story - Kate

Sensitive teeth? How to prevent issues and make yourself more comfortable.

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

For people who struggle with sensitive teeth, eating or drinking anything too hot or cold can be uncomfortable. Sometimes, even brushing your teeth or using floss can be uncomfortable if you have sensitive teeth. 

But what causes tooth sensitivity and will you ever be able to enjoy hot coffee or cold ice cream again? 

Causes and Symptoms of Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth are caused by enamel on the teeth that gets worn down. Enamel is the hard outer layer that protects the softer interior of your teeth. When the enamel gets worn down, the softer, more sensitive part of your teeth are exposed. When the dentin or dentin tubules that run to the nerves in your teeth are exposed to heat, cold, or pressure from chewing, the nerves get hyperactive and can send a jolt of pain through your mouth. 

The things that most commonly wear down the enamel on your teeth are:

Tooth sensitivity is often caused by underlying tooth problems. By finding and fixing those problems, discomfort from sensitive teeth often resolves on its own. Some of the most common causes of sensitive teeth include:

  • Infrequent brushing
  • Overly aggressive brushing 
  • Gum recession
  • Periodontal disease
  • Clenching or grinding your teeth
  • A dysfunctional bite

What to Do if You Have Sensitive Teeth

If you have mild tooth sensitivity, Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff can recommend a desensitizing toothpaste or prescription fluoride toothpaste to use at home. The ingredients in these toothpastes help prevent hot and cold sensations from reaching your mouth. Regular fluoride varnish treatments at our office can also help reduce pain. 

There are also at-home remedies we found online, you could try these to get relief: 

  • Salt-water rinse: Add ¼ to ¾ teaspoon of salt to a glass of lukewarm water. Gargle the salt water twice daily for up to 30 seconds. 
  • Hydrogen peroxide rinse: Add two caps of 3% hydrogen peroxide to an equal amount of warm water, and swish in your mouth for up to 30 seconds. The mild antiseptic and disinfectant can help deal and prevent inflammation. 
  • Honey and warm water: Mix a spoonful of honey with warm water, and rinse your mouth with the mixture. Hone is an antibacterial agent that helps speed healing and reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation. 
  • Turmeric: Massage ground turmeric on your teeth and gums twice a day for pain relief. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory treatment and enhances wound healing. 

If you have severe tooth sensitivity, you may need more involved treatment to resolve your discomfort. When sensitivity is caused by decay or when teeth are worn or decayed, we may recommend a filling, crown, or bonding to fix the root issue. Also, if a dysfunctional bite is keeping the nerves of your teeth hyperactive, changing the tooth positions is an important part of the healing process. 

Addressing the Underlying Issues That Cause Tooth Sensitivity 

Another way to make huge improvements in relieving tooth sensitivity is to look for and treat underlying issues with your bite. By undergoing our records process, we can determine if improvements to how your teeth come together and how you chew can stop your tooth sensitivity – often for good!

One of the best ways to improve sensitive teeth is by developing healthy oral hygiene habits, including regular visits to the dentist. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff, contact our office at 651-482-8412.

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How Does Laughing Gas Help, and What Does It Do?

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

What Is Laughing Gas?

Nitrous oxide gas – also known as laughing gas – is the most commonly used option to reduce anxiety in dentistry. Nitrous oxide is considered an anxiolytic, which means it doesn’t sedate you, but helps you feel comfortable, free from your usual dental anxieties and able to relax while dental procedures are performed.

Laughing gas is commonly used to help patients who have:

  • Dental anxieties or phobias
  • Trouble sitting still or cooperating (typically pediatric patients)
  • Special needs
  • Strong gag reflexes
  • Trouble breathing in and out the nose
  • An inability to respond adequately to local anesthesia alone

It also works well for children who need to have longer procedures done.

How Does It Work?

Laughing gas is given to patients through a mask that’s placed over the nose. When you breathe, you inhale the gas mixture and fall into a relaxed, nearly euphoric state. This leaves most patients feeling anxiety-free, with all their fears in the distant background.

Although the name laughing gas might make you think the medicine would make you giggly, that’s not how it works. The nitrous oxide slows your nervous system, which makes you feel less inhibited. It might make you feel light or tingly, and some people even say it makes their arms or legs feel like they are floating. The result, however, is that you feel calm and comfortable.

What Are the Benefits of Laughing Gas?

It is used commonly in dental offices because it works quickly and safely to help patients relax. It is given throughout your dental procedure and when the procedure is over, patients breathe pure oxygen through the mask, allowing the effects of the nitrous oxide gas to wear off quickly. Therefore, patients are able to drive themselves home.

In addition, although laughing gas helps you relax, it doesn’t put you to sleep. This helps ensure patients are still able to hear Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff and respond to any questions or instructions.

What Are the Side Effects?

When laughing gas is given correctly, most patients don’t have any negative side effects when it wears off. However, if the level of nitrous oxide rises too quickly, or if the amount being inhaled changes too quickly, patients may experience side effects such as:

  • Headaches
  • Shivering
  • Excessive sweating
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sleepiness

To prevent headaches, patients are given oxygen for five minutes at the end of the procedure. This helps clear the remaining gas from the lungs, and it helps you become more alert and awake.

You can also help prevent nausea or vomiting by eating lightly before your procedure and avoiding a large meal for up to three hours after your appointment. If you do start to have any of the side effects, Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff can turn the nitrous oxide level down and by simply breathing more straight oxygen, any adverse side effects diminish quickly.

Interested in Using Laughing Gas at Your Next Appointment?

Laughing gas is a helpful strategy for managing severe pain or dental anxieties. Talk with Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff if you’re interested in learning more about using nitrous oxide gas at your next appointment. To schedule an appointment, call our office at 651-482-8412.

How to Deal with Dental Anxieties

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

What Is Dental Anxiety and How Do You Know if You Have It? 

According to the Dental Research Journal, as many as 14% of people struggle with dental phobia, and even more people have less severe dental anxieties. The cause of dental anxieties varies by person, but the irrational fears and feelings of terror are present among many people. 

Signs and Symptoms of Dental Anxieties

Many people with dental anxieties dread doing to the dentist. They may avoid scheduling routine dental appointments, or they may skip appointments that they’ve already scheduled. Other signs of dental anxieties can include:

  • Sweating
  • Racing heart or heart palpitations
  • Low blood pressure
  • Fainting
  • Visible distress or crying
  • Using humor or aggression to mask fears

How Eggert Family Dentistry Helps Reduce Dental Anxieties

To help all our clients feel as comfortable as possible, we offer a variety of ways to help during your appointment:

  • Music: Many people feel more comfortable when they’re listening to their favorite music. If you’ll more comfortable with headphones on, please do it. Our team can work around headphones for routine cleanings and most procedures. We ask that you bring your own headphones and music device. 
  • Cable TV: We have cable TVs available in every procedure room. Watch your favorite shows while our team works on your teeth. 
  • Calming techniques: Deep breathing and visualization can help ease your nerves. Not sure what to do? Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff, and their assistants, Tracy and Heather, can coach you through some mental exercises to help bring you peace. 
  • Hand signals: For some people, the hardest part of a dentist appointment is feeling like they can’t communicate when their mouths are full of other people’s hands. Raising your left hand during your appointment lets us know that you need a break. 
  • Communication: Sometimes, talking about your fears and having them validated is enough to help you feel at ease. Our team is here to listen to your concerns and explain any procedures that are making you nervous. 
  • Medicine: In many situations, these calming techniques are enough to help patients get through their appointments comfortably. However, if you have dental phobia, we also have laughing gas (also called nitrous oxide gas) available and in worst case scenarios, we can talk about some prescriptions that may help. 

How to Manage Dental Anxieties

Many of the calming techniques listed above can help people work through their dental anxieties enough to get through their appointments. Some people have also found relief by using therapy techniques. If you have headphones on during your dentist appointment, listening to a meditation, guided imagery, or progressive muscle relationship can also help lower your heart rate and help you feel more comfortable. There are many apps available for this. Finally, a few short, targeted sessions of cognitive behavior therapy can help people permanently overcome their dental anxieties. 

At Eggert Family Dentistry, Dr. Elizabeth, Dr. Jeff, and our whole dental team will take the time to listen to your concerns, and we’ll work together to help you feel as comfortable as possible. If you’re ready to schedule an appointment, contact our office at 651-482-8412.

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What Are the Long-Term Effects of Drug Abuse on Dental Health?

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

Drug and alcohol abuse have been on the rise in the last few years, and those numbers increased even more during the pandemic. Numbers from the CDC suggest that more than 10% of Americans over the age of 12 have abused illegal drugs in the last month. In addition, 24% of American adults had at least one episode of heavy drinking in the last year.

Unfortunately, drug and alcohol abuse can cause numerous dental health problems, including:

Enamel Breakdown and Mouth Sores from Drug and Alcohol Abuse

One of the most common impacts of drug abuse on dental health is enamel breakdown. Because cocaine and many other drugs are highly acidic, they can break down the enamel on teeth. Cocaine is especially damaging when it is smoked or when people use powdered cocaine in their mouths to be absorbed through their gums. This can lead to mouth sores, which can get infected.

Cocaine can also cause injuries in the mouth when it is snorted. The tissues in the upper palate are weakened, which can cause a hole to form between the nose and the mouth.

Essentially all alcoholic beverages are acidic, with some having a higher pH level than others. Wine is especially acidic and seeing tooth erosion in wine drinkers is very common. So many mixed drinks also contain mixers like juices and sodas, all of which have high levels of acidity and can cause damage to tooth enamel.

Another negative dental health consequence from drug abuse is called transient chorea. This causes muscle spasms in the jaw and mouth, which can make people grind their teeth. When people grind their teeth too much, it weakens the tooth enamel and causes the teeth to crack.

Drug Abuse Can Make Teeth Rot

Tooth rot is so common from meth use that the condition is known as “meth mouth.” Black and brown holes form all over the teeth due to decay. Meth kills blood vessels, which causes problems in the gums. Meth also makes the mouth feel dry. And without saliva, the enamel on the teeth is much more subject to the harmful bacteria that causes tooth decay.

Bad Dental Hygiene from Drug and Alcohol Abuse

When people abuse drugs and alcohol, their dental health suffers. The drugs and alcohol themselves are hard on people’s teeth. However, another side effect of the abuse is neglecting basic dental hygiene.

When people use drugs and alcohol, they often forget to take care of their basic dental needs – such as brushing, flossing, and using mouth wash. Finally, some drugs, such as meth, make people crave sugary foods and drinks, which are hard on your teeth. This combination makes it hard to keep your mouth healthy.

A No-Judgment Appointment to Discuss the Effects of Drug and Alcohol Abuse on Your Dental Health

If you’re concerned about the impact drugs or alcohol are having on your oral health, contact Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff for a no-judgement appointment. Call our office at 651-482-8412 to schedule your appointment.