recare visit

What to Expect at Your Next Recare Visit: It’s More Than Just a Cleaning

Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

When you think about coming to our dental office for your regular recare visit, you may think that all we do is remove plaque and polish your teeth. Although that’s part of your recare visit, that’s not it!. When you visit Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff at Eggert Family Dentistry, we do a comprehensive check of your oral health.

What’s Included In a Recare Visit?

At Eggert Family Dentistry, dental recare visit is more than just a cleaning. Our appointments include:

  • Oral cancer screening: Each year, oral cancer effects more than 50,000 people. One of the best ways to catch cancer early is by having regular oral cancer screenings. This is part of our standard recare visit.
  • Cavity risk assessment: Soft spots or pitting on your teeth are signs that bacteria are breaking the enamel and causing tooth decay. When Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff notice tooth decay, we recommend scheduling a follow-up appointment to clean out the area and protect the tooth with a crown or filling.
  • Gum health assessment: When bacteria hang along or under the gum line, they can cause substantial trouble for your gums. During your recare visit, we look for signs of gum irritation and gum disease, which can include swelling, redness, pocketing, or bleeding. Keeping your gums healthy is important for overall health and wellness.
  • Periodontal screening and charting: We measure the pockets of your teeth, which is the space between your teeth and the gum tissue surrounding it. Periodontal screening can help detect problems such as gingivitis and gum disease and is a key component to your diagnosis.
  • Fluoride treatment: Fluoride is an essential part of improved oral health. It supports healthy tooth enamel by remineralizing where the bacteria have destroyed enamel thickness. Fluoride treatment can help prevent cavities.
  • Annual x-rays: Radiographs, or x-rays, help us look between your teeth and under your gum line to spot early signs of infection and decay. They also allow us to follow your bone levels and when we take your full series of x-rays, we can see all of your tooth roots.

What to Expect After Your Recare Visit

When your teeth and gums are healthy, Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff will wave goodbye and look forward to seeing you at your next appointment. However, if we see any signs of tooth or gum disease, we’ll schedule an appointment to meet with you again soon.

Many dental problems can get worse the longer they’re left untreated, so we make it a priority to schedule follow-up visits as quickly as possible.

Schedule Your Next Recare Visit

Whether it’s been 6 months or a few years since you’ve been to the dentist, you can schedule your next recare visit now. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff, call our office at 651-482-8412.

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