Are Sports Mouthguards Worth the Investment?

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

School Has Started – and so Have Fall Sports

It seems like summer just started, but alas, school time is here and so are the fall sports that go along with the season change. We want to make sure you included a sports mouthguard in your “back to school” shopping when getting what you need for your athlete.

What Is a Sports Mouthguard?

A sports mouthguard is a piece of clear (or sometimes very colorful) plastic that’s typically worn over the top row of teeth during sports. A mouthguard may also be worn on the bottom teeth, which can be very helpful for people who wear braces or have fixed dental appliances like expanders.

Mouthguards are considered essential equipment for sports that involve body contact or flying equipment, like football, hockey, soccer, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, baseball, lacrosse, and even tennis. However, sports mouthguards can also be beneficial for skateboarding, mountain biking, or other sports where falls could result in mouth injuries. Mouth guards can also prevent dental injuries for people who grind their teeth during sports.

Benefits of a Sports Mouthguard

The biggest benefit of sports mouthguards is that they can prevent a variety of dental injuries and trauma, including:

  • Soft tissue damage, such as biting the tongue, cheeks, or lips
  • Tooth fractures, including root fractures, broken teeth, or chipped teeth
  • Knocked out teeth
  • Tooth displacement
  • Jaw fractures
  • In addition, although medical research is inconclusive, some evidence suggests that sports mouthguards may absorb enough impact between the upper and lower jaws to help reduce concussions.

Mouthguards can also help people save money by preventing the costly need for dental repairs.

Types of Sports Mouthguards

When you are choosing a sports mouthguard, there are three main options to choose from:

  • Stock mouthguards: Stock mouthguards are the cheapest and most easily available mouthguard options. Although they come in different sizes, they often don’t fit well. And, a mouthguard that’s too loose or too small can do more damage to your teeth and gums. Finally, these inexpensive mouthguards tend to be made from cheaper materials, making them prone to breaks and tears.
  • Boil-and-bite mouthguards: Boil-and-bite mouthguards are also relatively inexpensive and are easily available. Because the mouthguard is boiled to soften the plastic so it can be formed to better fit an athlete’s teeth, the fit is better than what a stock sports mouthguard provides.
  • Custom mouthguards: Custom mouthguards are the safest, yet most costly, option available. Dr. Jeff Eggert or Dr. Elizabeth Eggert use impressions of your teeth and mouth to create a mouthguard that fits your teeth perfectly. A custom mouthguard is also the only way to create a precise fit around bridges, braces, and other dental restorations.

Contact Eggert Family Dentistry to Get Fitted for a Custom Sports Mouthguard

When you’re trying to determine which costs to prioritize, remember this: custom sports mouthguards may be more of an investment than the options available online or at retail stores, but they also provide a better fit and are made from stronger material. Finally, investing in a sports mouthguard is considerably less expensive than paying for emergency dental treatment after a preventable injury. Unfortunately, once an injury occurs, it becomes a life-long journey to address the tooth/teeth/or bones involved. In this case prevention is definitely key!

If you’re interested in getting fitted for a sports mouthguard, contact Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff today. Call our office at 651-482-8412 to schedule your appointment.

CEREC and The Primescan Up Close – Ann’s Story

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

It is always ideal when your dental exam reveals no problems, but sometimes issues do arise.  If your tooth has a large cavity, cracks, or is broken, Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff will likely recommend a crown to help restore the integrity of your tooth.  A crown will reinforce the tooth and help keep it functioning for eating, smiling, and speaking.

Crowns have been around for decades and fortunately the materials and process for making crowns has continued to evolve and improve.  Traditionally, getting a crown on your tooth involved two appointments.  Currently, technology exists that allows us to make crowns in our dental office in one appointment.  This offers a number of advantages, probably the biggest of which is convenience in coming to the office for only one appointment instead of two.  Another advantage is the ability to take a digital impression with an intraoral scanner.  This eliminates the need to take a traditional impression with putty material that sets up in your mouth.  A crown in one day also means there is no need for a temporary crown.  Temporaries are durable but do occasionally break or come loose, necessitating a visit to have a new temporary made or recemented.  An additional remarkable feature of the “same-day crown” is the ability to replicate the shape and anatomy of an existing tooth or crown, which makes it easy for your new crown to fit well into your bite.

We have been using this technology with the CEREC system for many years and we recently upgraded our intraoral scanner to the Sirona Primescan, which makes taking digital impressions even faster and easier.  Not every case can be completed in one visit, but many can, which most people find preferable.  A recent patient, Ann, commented, “It is very convenient to get the crown fitted and designed in one visit versus having to come back!”

We want to share some photos with you of Ann’s case so you can see this technology in action.  If one of your teeth ends up needing a crown, you can trust that our great team at Eggert Family Dentistry will take wonderful care of you too!  

Call us today at 651-482-8412 to inquire about getting your next crown in one day!

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What Are the Types of Dental Fillings, and What Are the Differences?

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

The earliest dental fillings date back between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago. Since the first fillings were created, dental fillings have been used to help millions of people preserve their teeth. 

What Are of Dental Fillings Made of? 

Dental fillings can be made from a combination of materials, including metal, plastic, glass, and other materials. The most common types of dental fillings are:

  • Composite fillings: Composite fillings – also called filled resins – are a combination of plastic, glass or quartz fillers and can be colored to match the surrounding teeth. They bond to the existing tooth to provide extra support, and they don’t require as much of the tooth to be removed. Composite fillings hold up well, often at least 5 to 10 years, often longer!
  • Amalgam fillings: “Silver” fillings, are really amalgam fillings, and are made of a mix of metals including mercury.  Many people have had amalgam fillings hold up at least 10 to 15 years in their mouths, but  in order to make space to hold the filling, amalgam fillings require more of the natural tooth to be removed and therefore, the overall tooth strength is decreased. Amalgams are generally not requested today because of their unsightly nature. 
  • Gold: Gold fillings can last a long time, often 15 to 20 years. Gold was a more popular choice before composite fillings were available. In today’s market, however, the cost of gold has made it impractical to use this material, not to mention the need for 2 appointments to complete a the filling. 
  • Ceramic: Ceramic or porcelain fillings often last more than 15 years, and they are more resistant to staining than the composite resin materials. With our CEREC restoration system, a ceramic filling can be completed in one appointment. 
  • Glass ionomer: Glass ionomer is a combination of acrylic and glass. It is typically used for fillings below the gum line or for fillings on kids. This material releases fluoride so it can help prevent further tooth decay. Glass ionomer usually lasts less than five years, but it a lot more moisture tolerant during placement so it can be a great material for certain situations. 

Is It Time to Replace Your Dental Fillings? 

Like all dental work, dental fillings need to be revisited and replaced with time. When you visit Eggert Family Dentistry, Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff can help determine whether it’s time to replace your fillings. 

If you think it may be time to replace a dental filling, call our office at 651-482-8412 to schedule an appointment. 

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Crown Restorations Made in One Visit Using Our CEREC System

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

Traditionally, if you went to the dentist for a crown restoration, the process would be spread across two appointments. During the first appointment, the tooth is prepared for the crown. This includes re-shaping the tooth to receive the crown and removing the damaged portion of the tooth. Depending on the amount of damage the tooth sustained, it may also require a core buildup. 

After that, an impression of the tooth is taken and sent to a dental lab, where the customized crown is created. You would leave the first appointment with a temporary crown on your tooth. 

Usually after two weeks, you would return for your customized crown. Your temporary is removed and the new crown evaluated for a good fit and cemented. 

Can a Crown Be Fabricated in One Visit? 

At Eggert Family Dentistry, crown restorations can happen in a single visit using the CEREC crown restoration system! 

CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics. The system uses computer-aided design – also called CAD – to create permanent customized dental restorations immediately. While it used to take a dental lab a couple of weeks to create a crown, Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff use the latest technology – the CEREC crown restoration system – to create crowns in minutes. 

In a single visit, we can create a variety of perfectly fitting restorations, including:

  • Crowns
  • Inlays
  • Onlays

Using the Prime Scan to Capture Perfect 3D Images of Your Teeth

We are happy to now be using the latest scanning unit for our CEREC crowns. The CEREC Prime Scan is a recently developed scanning unit that captures highly detailed images of your mouth. 

Many of you had the opportunity to benefit from our previous scanning unit, the Omnicam, and it worked well, but the new CEREC Prime Scan can image even faster and with more detail. With the CEREC Prime Scan, Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff use a small handheld camera to scan your mouth for crisp, perfectly captured images of your teeth. 

Material Options for Crowns

After taking a scan of your teeth, we’re able to create a crown restoration in minutes. New crowns can be made of compressed porcelain, emax porcelain, or compressed composite resin. During your appointment, you can talk with Dr. Elizbeth and Dr. Jeff to determine what material is the best fit for you. 

Schedule an Appointment to Get Your Crown Restoration in One Visit

In the past, people procrastinated getting their recommended crown restorations for a variety of reasons. They were too busy to come in for multiple appointments. They had a bad experience with a temporary crown. Or they thought the process of getting impressions taken was uncomfortable. 

With the CEREC crown restoration system, that’s all a thing of the past. 

Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff Eggert of Eggert Family Dentistry can complete the dental restoration work you need in a single appointment. Call our office at 651-482-8412 to schedule your appointment. 


What Is a Core Buildup, and Why Would You Need One?

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

When a tooth is severely damaged – for example, from a large cavity, a fracture, or a failed filling – a crown may be necessary to restore the function and appearance of the tooth. However, if too much of the tooth is missing to support the crown, it may be necessary to rebuild part of the tooth. 

A core buildup can be part of the process of preparing a tooth to receive a crown. For the crown to be successful, there are minimum size requirements for the height, width, and taper of a tooth. A core buildup ensures the tooth has a strong foundation and is stable enough to support the crown. 

Is a Core Buildup Always Necessary for a Crown? 

If a tooth has not suffered significant damage, Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff can often prepare the tooth for a crown without doing a core buildup. However, if the tooth is badly damaged, for example because of a fracture or an existing large filling, a core buildup is an essential part of the preparation for a new crown.

What Is a Core Buildup Made Of? 

Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff usually use a composite resin or a resin modified glass ionomer to create the core buildup. Although metal-based materials have been used in the past for core buildups, they require a more invasive preparation of the tooth enamel and require an additional appointment to give the material time to fully set. By using a resin material, more of the original tooth can be saved because of the ability to bond to the tooth, which tends to result in better crown retention. Also, the material can be prepared right away and on the same day! 

What Is a Post, and When Is It Needed?

When a substantial amount of the original tooth is missing and the tooth has had a root canal, Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff may need to add a post to help hold the resin material of the core buildup. The ability to use the root canal space allows for even more support for the new foundation. 

Is the Core Buildup Done at the Same Appointment as the Crown? 

Completing a core buildup typically takes about 5-10 minutes. If placement of a post is needed, the appointment may take longer. When the core buildup is finished, Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff can use the CEREC crown restoration system to create your new crown in minutes. 

If you think you may need a crown, call our office at 651-482-8412. During your oral exam, Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff will determine whether you need a crown and a core buildup. 

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Restoring Teeth with Implants: When Infections Cause the Need for Creativity. Judy’s Story.

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

How did this start?

Judy came to her regular 6-month recare appointment and mentioned that she thought one of her front teeth was turning darker.  Joanna, our hygienist, noticed an issue right away as it looked as if Judy may be developing an infection near that upper front tooth.  Joanna took an x-ray and Dr. Elizabeth did some tests and it was evident that Judy had lost a lot of bone near the roots of some upper front teeth. For an unknown reason (likely a trauma that occurred long ago), Judy’s teeth had started dying, creating an infection and bone loss.  Dr. Elizabeth referred Judy to the root canal specialist and Dr. Aguirre confirmed the extent of the damage with a 3-D x-ray.  Dr. Aguirre agreed that the lesion was excessively large.  He was not confident that root canals alone could clear the infection so recommended that Judy work with an oral surgeon to remove the teeth, the infection, place a bone graft, and hopefully implant(s).

Because Judy didn’t remember any past trauma to her teeth and because of the extent of the bone loss could render all traditional treatment options unpredictable, Dr. Elizabeth recommended Judy undergo the records process to determine all her options going forward.

What did Judy want?

Judy wanted to be able to have front teeth and she wanted to be able to predictably clear her infection.  She agreed to go through the records process to learn about her options and hopefully determine if her current bite could be part of the reason for the trauma that caused her infection.  It was also important to Judy to be able to eat and speak normally after her teeth were restored.  She met with Dr. Wade, an oral surgeon, who agreed that two teeth should come out.  He was fairly confident that the infection was confined to only two teeth.  He noted a large bone graft would be needed for Judy and implants would not be able to be placed until the graft was fully integrated.  He recommended Judy have a temporary denture made to replace her teeth for awhile.

What was involved?

At the records appointment, Dr. Elizabeth took photos and x-rays of Judy’s teeth and did a thorough muscle and joint evaluation.  She used the information gathered at that appointment to develop possible treatment options for Judy.  It was evident after the bite analysis of the records process that Judy has an anterior open bite, which means that her upper and lower front teeth don’t meet up with each other.  This concerned Dr. Elizabeth the most because it meant that Judy’s bite may not adjust well to change, but we knew Judy would undergo a change because of the infection.  There was also a risk that her other two front teeth (or possibly more) could eventually become infected so any plan for Judy had to allow for flexibility in the future.  Dr. Elizabeth presented Judy with multiple options, including implant-based options, a tooth-based bridge option, or a long-term removable partial denture.  In the end, Judy’s treatment choice could have been limited by what would be discovered during surgery, but Judy wanted to restore the missing teeth with one implant that would hold two teeth (better for gum esthetics) and she wanted to repair her bite to make her upper and lower front teeth touch.  This would help with long-term functionality and predictability.

Judy had 2 teeth extracted, the infection removed, and a large bone graft placed by Dr. Wade.  Dr. Elizabeth had a temporary partial denture ready to insert after surgery.  In addition, Dr. Elizabeth built up the edges of Judy’s other front teeth to mimic what her final restorations would look like.

Once the bone graft was integrated, Dr. Wade went back for another surgery to place an implant for Judy.  One implant was placed that would eventually hold and replace two teeth.  After three additional months of healing, Dr. Wade placed a customized healing abutment to help shape the tissue for the eventual tooth restorations.  Judy continued to wear her temporary partial denture during this time.  Dr. Elizabeth also wanted to influence the tissue at the site for her “other tooth” so she built up Judy’s temporary partial denture to put pressure on the tissue and shape it so it would eventually look like a tooth is emerging from the tissue.

During the healing time, Judy also decided she wanted to lighten the color of her teeth so she underwent the Zoom bleaching procedure and improved her shade to 5 times brighter!  Finally, Judy did the final planning with Dr. Elizabeth, completing a lab wax-up, like a blue print, for her future restorations.  When the surgeon gave the “all-clear,” Dr. Elizabeth prepared Judy’s remaining upper front teeth and got impressions of the implant site so 5 restorations could be fabricated for her 6 front teeth.

What does Judy think?

Judy had a long treatment process.  She notes she learned a lot as a lot went into the decision making.  Judy notes “I didn’t have a choice, it was something that had to be done.  It was interesting to learn more about my bite and what it would mean to have longer teeth in the end.”

Judy notes she thinks her teeth look “very nice” and is happy to be done with everything.  “It was a bigger procedure than I expected, but it turned out nice in the end!”

We’re so grateful to have you as a patient, Judy – thank you for putting your trust in us!  It was a pleasure to be able to use our creative thinking skills to help you through this interesting case.

What Is a Root Canal, and What Should I Expect If I Have One?

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

The root canal. That nightmare-inspiring procedure that strikes terror into the hearts of nearly every dental patient. Many patients have gone so far as to avoid their regular exams and cleanings for fear of it (which, of course, backfires by causing minor dental issues to worsen).

But due to improvements in technology and anesthesia over the years, the root canal procedure has become much more comfortable (and less scary) for the majority of people.

Still, you may find yourself full of anxious questions about this procedure, such as:

  • What is a root canal exactly?
  • What are some symptoms that indicate I might need a root canal?
  • What should I expect during a root canal procedure?
  • What is the healing process like, and how long does it take to heal?

To alleviate your fears, we’re here to answer these common questions.

What Is a Root Canal Procedure?

The root canal is the part of your tooth’s anatomy that includes the pulp (the soft interior of your tooth containing blood vessels and nerves) that extends down into the roots of your tooth.

A root canal dental procedure — commonly referred to simply as a “root canal” — treats inflammation and infection in the pulp of your tooth. When the pulp of your tooth becomes infected, you may have pain and tenderness around the affected tooth. A root canal procedure is the process of removing the infected pulp, cleaning and reshaping the interior of the root canal, and filling and sealing it to prevent future infection.

You may be wondering, “How can the inside of my tooth become infected?”

When your tooth is cracked, chipped, or otherwise damaged, or has a cavity that has been left untreated, its defenses are down. Oral bacteria can enter through those openings and infect your tooth’s pulp.

The benefits of a root canal include:

  • Relieving pain, swelling, or other symptoms
  • Preventing infection from spreading to other teeth
  • Saving the natural tooth (rather than extracting it and replacing with a dental implant, bridge, or partial)
  • Reducing the risk of damage to your jaw

Depending on the severity of your case, a root canal may be performed by Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff or an endodontist (a root canal specialist). If, after an exam and x-rays,we find that your case is more serious,we will refer you to an endodontist.

What Are the Symptoms That Indicate I Might Need a Root Canal?

A root canal is a common and effective procedure—according to the American Association of Endodontists, 15 million root canals are performed each year, with a 98% success rate.

In some cases, a patient doesn’t know they have an infected tooth until they have an exam. But many others experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Continuous tooth pain. Pain deep in your tooth that doesn’t go away. The pain may also radiate to your other teeth, jaw, or face.
  • Heat/cold sensitivity. Your tooth hurts when eating or drinking very hot or very cold foods or beverages, and the pain lingers or takes a while to dissipate.
  • Swollen gums. Your gums may be swollen, tender, or discolored around the affected tooth.
  • “Boil” or pimple on your gums. Pus from the affected tooth can form a boil or pimple on your gums. The pus may drain, leaving an unpleasant taste or smell in your mouth.
  • Swollen jaw. Your jaw may become swollen from the pus created by the infection.
  • Tooth discoloration. Infected pulp can restrict the blood supply to your tooth, causing it to appear darker than your other teeth.
  • Pain when you apply pressure. Your tooth will often feel tender when you chew or otherwise put pressure on the tooth. This may be due to damaged nerves around the pulp.
  • Chipped or cracked tooth. If you have a chip or crack in your tooth, bacteria can reach the pulp and cause an infection.
  • Loose tooth. Pus from the infected pulp can soften the bone supporting the tooth, making it feel loose.

    What Should I Expect During a Root Canal Procedure?

Before you have a root canal done, we will take x-rays of the affected area so we can determine the extent of the infection and confirm that a root canal is the right course of action.

Then, on the day of your root canal, we’ll:

  1. Review your x-rays and apply a local anesthetic. We’ll go over your x-rays with you, then apply a local anesthetic to numb the infected tooth and the gums surrounding it.
  2. Place a dental dam. We’ll use a dental dam (a protective rubber sheet) to isolate the affected tooth and keep it dry during the procedure.
  3. Create an access opening. To access the infected pulp, we’ll make a small opening into the biting surface of your tooth.
  4. Remove the infected pulp. We’ll remove the infected pulp inside the tooth, then clean and disinfect the canal.
  5. Reshape the canals. We’ll then reshape the canal to prepare it for filling.
  6. Fill the canal. We’ll fill the empty canal with a flexible, rubber-like material and seal it with a dental filling.
  7. Place the final restoration. On a subsequent visit, we’ll fit a permanent crown or other restoration to protect the treated tooth and restore your bite. Avoid chewing with the treated tooth until we place the final restoration.

The entire root canal procedure takes about 60-90 minutes on average, but can take longer depending on the severity of your case.

What Is the Healing Process Like?

After a root canal, many patients feel immediate relief from their symptoms, because the infected pulp that was causing pain was removed.

You shouldn’t have significant pain after your root canal procedure, but you may experience some tooth sensitivity for a few days. Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever can help; if not, we may prescribe a pain reliever or occasionally an antibiotic. In most cases, any side effects dissipate over the course of a week or two.

Most patients are able to return to work or school the following day. You can eat after your procedure (once the numbness wears off), but stick to softer foods (pastas, mashed potatoes, yogurt, etc) for a couple of days. As your comfort level improves, you can introduce other foods.

After your procedure, it’s important to keep the treated area clean. Brush and floss normally and use an antibacterial mouthwash. If you don’t yet have your final restoration in place, avoid chewing on the treated tooth until you do.

Think You Might Need a Root Canal? Schedule an Appointment

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed earlier in this article, contact Eggert Family Dentistry right away to schedule an exam with Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff. If you do have an infected tooth, it’s important that you be treated as soon as possible to relieve your discomfort and prevent the infection from spreading. To schedule an appointment, call our office at 651-482-8412.

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Tooth Swelling: What Causes It and What Can Be Done About It?

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

Swelling of your teeth or gums can be painful. It can make chewing and swallowing difficult, and in some cases the pain can be so severe that it disrupts your life. Tooth and gum swelling can also be signs of a potentially serious dental issue, and shouldn’t be ignored or left untreated.

The good news is that good oral care and regular exams by your dentists at Eggert Family Dentistry can help prevent tooth swelling and the various conditions that cause it.

Let’s take a closer look at the symptoms and causes of gum and tooth swelling, as well as the ways Dr. Jeff and Dr. Elizabeth can treat the underlying issues and get you back to feeling your best.

Symptoms of Tooth and Gum Swelling

Swelling and pain can often come on suddenly. Pain can range from mild to severe, and can be constant and throbbing or may come and go. With tooth or gum swelling, you might experience:

  • Swelling around a single tooth or in larger areas inside your mouth
  • Swelling of the jaw or face
  • Painful chewing
  • Bleeding gums
  • Sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods
  • Pain in your head, ears, or jaw

In some cases, tooth pain and swelling can be accompanied by a fever or even trouble breathing or swallowing. If this happens, it’s important to receive care immediately.

Common Causes of Gum and Tooth Swelling

There are a wide range of underlying issues that can cause swelling of the teeth and gums. These include:

Tooth Abscess

Caused by a bacterial infection, a tooth abscess can present at the tip of the root (periapically) or on the side of the root (periodontally). You can also experience an abscess in your gums (gingival). An abscess in a tooth typically follows a cavity or dental injury of some kind, as cracks in the teeth provide a pathway for bacteria to enter. If you have a tooth abscess, you may experience:

  • Throbbing toothache that may spread to your neck, ear, or jawbone
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Fever
  • Sensitivity to heat and cold
  • Face or neck swelling
  • Painful biting or chewing

Always seek dental treatment from your professionals at Eggert Family Dentistry for an abscess. Even if it drains on its own, you should still visit us to make sure the infection hasn’t spread. We can help you treat the abscess by draining it and may prescribe antibiotics to treat the underlying infection. In some cases a tooth extraction or root canal may be necessary.

Irritation From Wisdom Teeth

As wisdom teeth come in, you may experience some swelling and pain. This can happen if wisdom teeth are impacted (trapped beneath your gums). It can also happen as they break through the gums, leaving spaces where bacteria can cause a gum infection and painful swelling. The solution in this case is typically removal of the wisdom teeth.


Gingivitis is an early form of gum disease. It commonly causes swollen, red, and irritated gums that may bleed when you brush your teeth. Gingivitis can be addressed with improved oral care and avoiding sugary food and drinks, but you should also have your dentist do a thorough examination. They may recommend additional treatments.

Dental Injury

Dental injuries can also cause swollen teeth or gums. Dental trauma is a common occurrence that can happen to anyone. Some of the dental injuries we see often are:

  • Lost crowns or fillings
  • Damaged braces
  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Partially dislodged or knocked-out teeth

Learn more about dental trauma in our recent blog, including ways to avoid it and what to do in an emergency.

Medications or Allergic Reaction

Some medications can have side effects that include tooth or gum swelling. If you think your swelling and pain could be caused by medication, check with your medical doctor to determine if that is a common side effect.

Some people may also react to certain ingredients in their toothpaste or mouthwash. If you notice irritation of your teeth or gums after brushing your teeth or using mouthwash, stop using it and switch to a different brand or type to see if it clears up. If not, consult with your dental professionals at Eggert Family Dentistry to determine if another issue could be the cause of the irritation.

In addition to the above, tooth or gum pain and swelling can also be caused by tooth decay, a loose filling, or various medical issues, including a vitamin C deficiency, sinus infection, mouth sores, or problems with the jaw.

What Is the Treatment for Tooth Swelling and Pain?

Swollen or painful gums or teeth can be a serious issue, and it’s important to treat it as such.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, the first thing you should do is reach out to our office so Dr. Jeff and Dr. Elizabeth can determine your best course of action — especially if your symptoms last more than a couple of days.

We will ask a series of questions and do a thorough examination to determine the cause of your pain and swelling and can then recommend the best treatment. Questions will include information about your dental history and the details of the pain — when it started, what it feels like, what other symptoms you’re having, and so on. We will also take x-rays to determine the extent of the issue.

The treatment will depend on the root cause of your swelling. We may prescribe antibiotics or other medications to treat the pain and target any infection.

In addition, there are a few things you can do at home to care for yourself and minimize your pain. These include:

  • Rinse or gargle with warm salt water to help rinse away any bacteria.
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers like Advil or Tylenol can help reduce swelling and pain.
  • Eat easy-to-chew foods and avoid very hot or very cold beverages.
  • Lie with your head propped up on a pillow. Lying flat can make dental pain feel worse.
  • Hold a cold compress against the side of your face to relieve pain and reduce swelling.

It’s important to note that while these things will provide some relief, they won’t solve the underlying issue causing your tooth or gum swelling. Visiting your dentists at Eggert Family Dentistry will still be necessary for a full recovery.

If you aren’t able to get in to see us right away, and your tooth pain and swelling is accompanied by a fever, facial swelling, or trouble breathing or swallowing, you should visit the emergency room for treatment.

Preventing Tooth and Gum Swelling

Luckily, most of the issues that cause tooth or gum swelling can be prevented with good oral care and regular exams with Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff here at Eggert Family Dentistry.

Excellent oral care includes brushing after meals with fluoride toothpaste and a soft toothbrush, and flossing daily with traditional dental floss or a water flosser. Eating a healthy diet and avoiding sugary foods and tobacco products will also help keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Keep Tooth and Gum Swelling at Bay by Scheduling Your Next Dental Appointment

Whether you are currently experiencing swelling or pain in your teeth or gums, or it’s simply time for your regular recare visit, take the time to schedule your next dental appointment now. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff, call our office at 651-482-8412.

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Acute Jaw Pain: What Causes It and How Do We Treat It?

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

Chronic or intense jaw pain can be debilitating, making it difficult to speak or eat properly. When the pain is severe enough, it can even disrupt your sleep or limit your ability to function normally in your everyday life.

Jaw pain can include jaw tenderness, pain when you bite down, pain in or around your ears, and headaches. There are many possible causes of jaw pain, so it can be challenging to diagnose what is causing it.

Read on to learn some of the common causes of acute jaw pain and how we treat it here at Eggert Family Dentistry using a device called the Aqualizer®.

Common Causes of Jaw Pain

While over-the-counter painkillers and anti-inflammatories can temporarily reduce jaw pain, to properly treat it you need to determine the root cause.

There are several conditions that can contribute to severe jaw pain, some of which are related to dental health, but not all. It’s important to consult both Dr. Eggert and your physician to diagnose the cause of your jaw pain. They will do a thorough exam, which may include dental X-rays, CT scans, or blood work.

The most common causes of jaw pain include:

Decayed or Abscessed Teeth

Pain from tooth decay or a tooth abscess can radiate to the jaw. Treatment may include fillings, crowns, a root canal, or extraction, depending on the severity of the problem.

Gum Infection

A gum infection is usually caused by bacteria that multiplies due to poor oral hygiene. The most effective initial treatment is a deep cleaning called scaling and root planing. Occasionally adding localized antibiotics can also improve the infection. Improved oral hygiene can help manage the gum disease caused by a gum infection and hopefully prevent future acute incidents.

Cluster Headaches or Migraines

A migraine typically presents as a throbbing headache on one side of the head, while a cluster headache usually starts as pain behind or around one of the eyes. Both can also send pain to the jaw. There are also times when overuse of the jaw muscles or jaw joint can send pain signals that manifest as cluster headaches or migraines.

Sinus or Ear Infections

Infections of the sinuses or ear canals can also cause pain to radiate to the jaw. When sinuses or ears become infected, often an excess of mucus puts pressure on the jaw joint, causing pain.

Heart Attack or Angina

Jaw pain can sometimes accompany a heart attack or angina. During a heart attack, pain can radiate to the arms, back, neck, or jaw. Women are especially likely to experience jaw pain on the left side when having a heart attack.

If you experience any of the following symptoms along with your jaw pain (even if you don’t have chest pain) you should immediately call 911:

  • Chest discomfort
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Feeling faint

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition commonly caused by compression of the trigeminal nerve—a large, three-part cranial nerve that provides sensation to a large portion of the face, including the upper and lower jaws. This condition causes brief but excruciating jaw and facial pain on one side of the face. It can feel like shooting, stabbing, or electrical pain, and can mimic dental pain. Treatment for trigeminal neuralgia typically involves medication or surgery.


Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, or Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) are the most common causes of jaw pain. The temporomandibular joints are the hinge joints on each side of your jaw. Pain can originate in either the joints themselves or the muscles surrounding the joints. This condition can be difficult to treat because there are multiple potential causes, including: muscle pain, jaw joint injury, overstimulation of the jaw joint, a displaced disc, or arthritis of the protective disc that cushions the jaw joint.

Damage to the jaw joint or the muscles that control your jaw movement can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Grinding your teeth
  • Involuntarily clenching your jaw due to stress or anxiety
  • Jaw joint trauma, such as a sports injury or other facial injury
  • Upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) and lack of reparative sleep

TMJ or TMD muscle tension can often be treated with muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory drugs, or a custom fitted dental orthotic (similar in concept and shape to a mouth guard). Joint dysfunction is generally treated with anti-inflammatories and sometimes arthroscopic surgery.


A person with Bruxism grinds or clenches their teeth, either while sleeping or even throughout the day—and in most cases, they don’t realize they’re doing it. Bruxism is generally caused by stress, and it can, in turn, cause jaw pain. Bruxism can often be treated using a custom fitted dental orthotic—a splint typically worn at night, but sometimes with some day use if needed.

Treating Acute Jaw Pain with the Aqualizer®

At Eggert Family Dentistry, Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff use a device called the Aqualizer® to treat acute jaw pain.

The Aqualizer® is a self-adjusting dental splint used to diagnose how much a patient’s dental bite contributes to their jaw or facial pain. The extent that it helps relieve this pain indicates whether dental treatment will be an effective solution.

The Aqualizer® works by allowing the jaw muscles to automatically reposition the jaw to where it naturally works best. It allows the body to correct bite distortions to restore optimal function and balance. Biting down on the Aqualizer® causes the fluid contained in the device to distribute the bite force evenly across the bite, relieving jaw pressure and pain.

This device is meant to be used short-term and is helpful for acute jaw pain related to TMJ or Bruxism. In addition to treating jaw pain, it can also bring relief to chronic neck, shoulder, and migraine pain. It can be very helpful in narrowing in on a diagnosis for your problem.

Are You Suffering with Acute Jaw Pain? Schedule a Visit Today

If you are experiencing jaw pain, Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff are here to help. Schedule an exam today to determine the cause of your jaw pain and to discuss your treatment options, including whether an Aqualizer® may be right for you. To schedule an appointment, call our office at 651-482-8412.

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Fixing a Fractured Front Tooth – Tim’s story

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

How did this start?

Tim broke his front tooth while playing football at the community center on the weekend. His father called our office emergency line and described what had happened. It sounded like the tooth was still in his mouth, but a large portion of it was broken off. Dr. Elizabeth asked Tim’s father to put the fragments they could find in some water and meet her at our office. She was able to meet Tim and his father within an hour to assess and address the situation.

What was involved?

Upon examination it was noted 2/3 of Tim’s natural tooth was broken off. The tooth was slightly mobile, but there was minimal bleeding. He was having minimal pain, except when the tooth touched cold water or air, and there were not any cuts in his mouth or face. Although the fracture was substantial, it luckily did not go into the nerve of the tooth.

The fractured part was in 3 pieces, but using her dental skills, Dr. Elizabeth was able to piece them back together like a jigsaw puzzle. Using filling material, she was able to bond the pieces back together, making it look almost as if the tooth had never been broken.

It was recommended that Tim take ibuprofen for the first few days to reduce any inflammation inside the tooth and the tissues surrounding it. He was also instructed to have a softer diet for a few weeks and to not use that tooth for biting into things.

As you can see from the after photos, the tooth pieces fit back together extremely well. The tooth does naturally stick out slightly, which could have contributed to it fracturing when it was hit. Tim has been following up with an orthodontist to develop a plan to move the teeth into a more ideal position and therefore keep them safer from potential future trauma.

After a trauma like this, it is important to follow the tooth over time. Depending on the injury it is typical to reevaluate the tooth over a period of weeks and months to make sure that complications aren’t developing. Even though the tooth nerve didn’t seem to be irreversibly damaged after the accident, it can sometimes deteriorate over time and eventually need a root canal.

It has been over 2 years since Tim’s accident and his tooth is still doing well. Because of how large the fracture was, the repair won’t last forever, and the tooth will likely need to be repaired again, probably multiple times, during Tim’s life with more filling material or even a crown or an implant. However, the longer the initial repair lasts, the better it will be for the tooth long term.

Tim and his dad were very appreciative of how quickly he was able to get in right when this trauma occurred and get it repaired. Great job by them remaining calm and gathering all the pieces, and great job by Dr. Elizabeth putting them back together again.