How Long Can You Expect Your Dental Crown to Last?

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

Dental crowns are a popular solution for restoring damaged or weakened teeth, providing both strength and aesthetic appeal. One common question patients ask us nearly every day is: How long will my dental crown last? While the longevity of a crown can vary depending on various factors, including materials used and oral hygiene practices, it’s generally expected that a well-maintained crown can last for many years, sometimes even decades.

Dr. Elizabeth Eggert and Dr. Jeff Eggert of Eggert Family Dentistry in North Oaks, MN, understand the importance of creating durable and long-lasting dental crowns. Their commitment to quality craftsmanship and attention to detail ensures that patients receive crowns that are built to withstand the test of time. By using the latest technology and highest quality materials, emax or zirconia porcelain crowns, they can create crowns that blend seamlessly with your natural teeth and provide exceptional durability.

What Are Some Reasons Crowns Need to be Replaced?

It’s essential to note that the lifespan of a dental crown also depends on the patient’s oral hygiene habits and lifestyle choices. Even the most well-crafted crown can fail prematurely if not properly cared for. That’s why Dr. Elizabeth Eggert and Dr. Jeff Eggert emphasize the importance of good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups. By brushing and flossing daily and visiting our office for routine cleanings and exams, patients can significantly extend the lifespan of their dental crowns.

Additionally, patients should be mindful of habits that could potentially damage their crowns, such as chewing on hard objects or using their teeth as tools. These actions can put undue stress on the crown and increase the risk of cracks or fractures. By avoiding these habits and practicing good oral care, patients can maximize the longevity of their dental crowns and minimize the need for costly repairs or replacements.

Dr. Jeff and Dr. Elizabeth most often see crowns needing to be replaced due to decay. Unfortunately, even though a crown protects a tooth, there is still a lot of tooth structure present that can decay if subjected to the sugars and acids that attack teeth and cause cavities. Dry mouth, or lack of saliva, also is a huge culprit for decay so patients that have dry mouth should be sure to talk to us about methods that can help. Occasionally, crowns will fracture just like teeth do. Typically this occurs more often in patients with unstable bite forces or who tend to put a lot of pressure on their teeth.

What Happens to Replace a Crown?

In cases where a crown does need to be replaced, Dr. Elizabeth Eggert and Dr. Jeff Eggert offer comprehensive solutions tailored to each patient’s needs. Whether it’s due to normal wear and tear or unexpected damage, they utilize their expertise and advanced techniques, like our CEREC same-day crown fabrication techniques, to ensure a seamless and comfortable restoration process. Replacing a crown is similar to undergoing the crown procedure the first time. We will get the area numbed up for comfort and carefully remove the old crown, remove any decay, and prepare the tooth for the new crown. With our dedication to patient satisfaction and long-term oral health, Eggert Family Dentistry is committed to helping patients enjoy the benefits of their dental crowns for years to come.

Have More Questions About Crowns?  Call Us Today!

While the exact lifespan of a dental crown can vary, patients can expect their crowns to last for many years with proper care and maintenance. By choosing a reputable dental practice like Eggert Family Dentistry and following our guidance on oral hygiene and lifestyle habits, patients can enjoy the functional and aesthetic benefits of their crowns for as long as possible. Remember, a healthy smile starts with good habits and regular dental care. Call us today at 651-482-8412 to set up your next appointment.

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