Mouthguards: Simple and Effective at Preventing Dental Injuries from Sports

By; Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

In the realm of sports, protecting yourself from injury is paramount to ensuring both performance and longevity in the game. However, one aspect often overlooked is the protection of dental health amidst the rigorous physical activities involved. Dental injuries resulting from sports trauma can be painful, costly to treat, and sometimes even irreversible. Fortunately, there’s a simple yet highly effective solution: mouthguards.

Mouthguards serve as essential protective gear, significantly reducing the risk of dental injuries during sports activities. These flexible devices act as a cushion, absorbing and dispersing the force of impact that could otherwise damage teeth, gums, lips, and even jaws. While they may seem like a small investment, their benefits are immense, potentially saving you and your family members from significant pain, discomfort, and costly dental procedures.

Types of Mouthguards

There are two main types of mouthguards: over-the-counter (OTC) and custom-fit. OTC mouthguards are readily available in sporting goods stores and pharmacies. They offer basic protection and are relatively affordable. However, they may not provide the best fit, leading to reduced comfort and efficacy. On the other hand, custom-fit mouthguards are crafted by dental professionals at Eggert Family Dentistry to precisely match your dental structure, offering superior comfort, retention, and protection.

Which Sports Should Use a Mouthguard?

Various sports pose risks of dental trauma, making mouthguards indispensable across a wide spectrum of athletic activities. While contact sports like football, hockey, and boxing are commonly associated with dental injuries and are often sports where use of mouthguards is mandated, other sports such as basketball, soccer, lacrosse, baseball, and even gymnastics can also present risks due to falls, collisions, or contact with equipment.

Interestingly, some professional athletes have recognized the importance of dental protection and incorporated mouthguards into their gear, even in sports where its usage isn’t typical. For instance, basketball icon LeBron James is often seen wearing a mouthguard during games, prioritizing his dental safety despite basketball not being traditionally associated with mouthguard use. Similarly, tennis superstar Serena Williams has been spotted wearing a mouthguard during matches, demonstrating a proactive approach to dental injury prevention.

Safeguarding dental health during sports activities is crucial for athletes of all levels. Mouthguards stand as a simple yet effective measure to prevent dental injuries, offering valuable protection against trauma. While both over-the-counter and custom-fit options are available, the latter provides superior comfort and performance. Regardless of the sport, incorporating a mouthguard into your gear can help ensure not only physical safety but also long-term dental wellness. As demonstrated by professional athletes who prioritize their dental health, investing in preventive measures like mouthguards is a decision that pays off in the long run, preserving smiles and enhancing performance on the field, court, or ring.

Call Us Today to Prevent Sports Injuries with a Mouthguard!

Be sure to talk with Dr. Jeff Eggert and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert at Eggert Family Dentistry about whether a custom fit athletic mouthguard is right for you! Call us at 651-482-8412 to set up your consultation appointment.

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