“I’d Like to Get Some Veneers” – The Dental Journey for Kris

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

How did this start?

Kris came to Eggert Family Dentistry as a new patient in the summer of 2021, looking for a clinic closer to home after she had moved to the area.  Kris had been through Invisalign treatment in recent years, but her teeth had relapsed and she wasn’t happy with how things had changed.  She also noted that she had a small mouth and a gag reflex that made it difficult for her to tolerate x-rays.  Dr. Elizabeth was curious, wondering if Kris might have a compromised airway?  At her new patient appointment, Kris asked Dr. Elizabeth, “I’d like to get some veneers, but what would be involved?”   Kris told Dr. Elizabeth that previously a different dentist told her she would not be a candidate for veneers due to her bite.  Elizabeth believed that Kris would be a candidate for veneers, but suspected that some tooth movement first would be best.  So, Dr. Elizabeth welcomed Kris to undergo the records process with her in order to figure out how to get Kris the smile she deserves!

What did Kris want?

Kris’ main objective was to have whiter and bigger teeth.  She wanted to be able to eat without any limitations and have her teeth show in her smile.  She was sure it would give her so much more confidence.  She had friends who had had veneers done on their teeth and she loved the result.  What she didn’t know until undergoing the records process was why her teeth had relapsed after her last Invisalign treatment and why she had such a severe gag reflex.  Dr. Elizabeth noticed that her tooth positions were putting strain on her tongue and it looked like her tongue craved more space.  Dr. Elizabeth believed by addressing this, she could help Kris have a much more stable end result, a better airway, and set her up for beautiful veneers.  Therefore, Kris started her treatment with Invisalign.   

What was involved?

Kris underwent Invisalign treatment with goals to improve her crowding, expand her arch, create space for porcelain veneers, level her gum tissue, and provide comforting support for her joints and muscles.  After less than a year of Invisalign, Kris was then ready to plan for her restorations.  Before starting the restorations, Kris underwent Zoom Whitening in-office bleaching at Eggert Family Dentistry for both her upper and lower arches to help achieve the brightness she wanted.  A mock-up was done as well, to verify the shape of her future veneers.  Once Kris was happy with the color of the teeth that would stay natural and after she approved her mock-up, Kris was ready to prepare the teeth for veneers.  She spent part of the day with Dr. Elizabeth Eggert and went through the procedures needed to get her teeth ready for her veneers.  After about 3 weeks with temporary veneers, Kris came back to seat her veneers.  Kris chose to veneer 8 teeth on her upper arch.

What does Kris think of her results?

Before undergoing procedures to get her veneers, Kris told us “I was really nervous because I didn’t know what to expect.  It seemed overwhelming in the beginning.”  Yet, she was very confident in Dr. Elizabeth and was excited to start the journey.  Kris told us that she didn’t mind the whole process and after undergoing everything, she understands the need for it to take some time.

Kris is very happy with her results.  She told us “Thank you!  I love it so much!  I am super happy with everything!”  She also shared, “I think it’s so funny that people at work and my friends can tell something is different but cannot pinpoint what it is!”  She would definitely recommend the treatment to others and says, “It is a team effort and you have to do everything that is expected of you for the best results.”  Kris feels that having a better smile is fantastic.   She would tell anyone thinking of having the treatment done “Do it in a heartbeat!  Of course, it is an investment but it’s not as bad as you think and definitely worth it!”

Congratulations Kris – you look fabulous and we appreciate your trust in us to help us live out our motto of providing “Dentistry for a Lifetime of Smiles!”

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