Which Splint is Right for You?

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

When it comes to dental health, particularly addressing issues related to your bite, splints or also known as “dental appliances” can be a game-changer. At Eggert Family Dentistry in North Oaks, MN, Dr. Jeff Eggert and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert offer a variety of splints designed to cater to your specific needs, ensuring you receive the best care possible. Understanding the different types of splints available and their benefits can help you make an informed decision about your dental health.

Splints Available at Eggert Family Dentistry, Explained!

One of the splints offered is the anterior deprogrammer. This appliance is designed to temporarily disengage the bite, allowing the muscles of the jaw to relax. It’s particularly useful for diagnosing bite problems and can provide relief from muscle pain caused by bruxism (teeth grinding). If you experience frequent headaches or jaw pain, an anterior deprogrammer might be recommended to help alleviate these symptoms and to determine if your bite is a contributing factor.

TMD Splint

For those dealing with temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), TMD splints or orthotics are an excellent option. These splints are custom-made to fit your mouth and are designed to reposition the jaw to a more comfortable position, reducing stress on the TMJ. Patients with TMD often suffer from jaw pain, clicking or popping sounds, and difficulty in opening their mouths fully. A TMD splint can help reduce these symptoms by providing a stable and balanced bite.

Another specialized appliance is the Tanner appliance, which is used for treating bruxism and in designing a new bite.  The Tanner appliance is a full lower arch anatomical splint. It is the best adjusted version of a TMD splint and it often is worn only at night. This appliance helps us to determine where the muscles sit in a comfortable position and analyze the tooth position there.  Often after wearing a Tanner appliance, you will have a great idea of how the positioning of your teeth affects your overall health and well-being and it helps us plan for a new bite so you can enjoy the improved effects day in and day out!

For those who need a more flexible solution, softguards offer a comfortable and adaptable option. Made from a softer material, these guards are ideal for light bruxism. They are especially useful for patients who may not tolerate harder materials well or those who need a lot more support for their joints over their muscles. If you experience occasional teeth grinding or clenching, a softguard may provide the necessary protection without discomfort.


Essix retainers are another versatile option, primarily used to maintain tooth alignment after orthodontic treatment. These clear, thin, removable retainers are comfortable and virtually invisible, making them a popular choice for post-orthodontic care. If you’ve recently had braces or other orthodontic work done, an Essix retainer will help keep your teeth in their new positions. For some people, it can help protect teeth from the effects of bruxism, but typically, for moderate to heavy bruxism, the retainers will wear out quickly.

For more comprehensive protection, custom fit occlusal guards (also known as night guards) are highly effective. These guards are tailored to fit your mouth precisely, providing robust protection against moderate and severe bruxism. They are made from durable materials and are designed to withstand significant grinding and clenching forces. The downside to a standard occlusal guard is that if the bruxism is caused by an airway compromise, by wearing the occlusal guard, the airway collapse may be more significant while wearing the appliance because it helps to keep your muscles relaxed. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis of why you are bruxing is important.

The Seattle Protocol is an innovative approach to diagnosing and treating TMD and related issues where airway compromise is suspected. This protocol involves a series of diagnostic steps and treatments, including the use of various trial splints to find the most effective solution for each patient. By systematically evaluating different treatment options, Dr. Jeff Eggert and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert can pinpoint the best appliance to best improve your airway, which should improve any signs or symptoms you are having from sleep apnea. If you find yourself waking up tired or experiencing frequent sleep interruptions, the Seattle Protocol is a suitable option to explore.

Finally, for patients suffering from diagnosed mild or moderate sleep apnea, a mandibular advancement appliance can be a lifesaver. This device works by holding the lower jaw forward, keeping the airway open during sleep. If you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, this appliance can significantly improve your sleep quality and overall health by reducing snoring and apneic events and associated risks. You will find your sleep quality will improve significantly because your body can get the oxygen it needs!

How You Can Get Help

At Eggert Family Dentistry, Dr. Jeff Eggert and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert utilize a comprehensive evaluation process known as the Records Process to determine the best splint for your needs. This process involves a thorough examination of your bite, jaw function, and overall oral health. By analyzing this data, they can recommend the most appropriate splint to address your specific issues. Whether you need relief from TMD, protection from bruxism, or help with sleep apnea, Eggert Family Dentistry will guide you through each step, ensuring you receive the best possible care tailored to your needs.

Choosing the right splint can make a significant difference in your dental health and overall well-being. At Eggert Family Dentistry, you can trust that you will receive personalized, expert care designed to meet your unique needs. Call us today! 651-482-8412!

The Impact of Teeth Grinding on Your Oral Health: Risks and Consequences

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

Clenching or grinding your teeth — also known as bruxism — is common, but that doesn’t mean it’s something you should ignore.

While some consequences of bruxism are simply annoying, others are more serious and can negatively affect your oral health. Let’s take a few minutes to dive into the impact of teeth grinding, signs to watch for, serious consequences that can occur, and how to treat and prevent it.

Understanding Teeth Grinding and Its Causes

Teeth grinding can affect children and adults alike. Small children are notorious for grinding when they’re cutting baby or permanent teeth, but they generally grow out of it. Not everyone grows out of bruxism, however, and adults often report their sleeping partners grinding so loudly it actually wakes them up out of a sound sleep!

While you might think of bruxism occurring only when you’re asleep (sleep bruxism or SB), it can occur just as frequently during your awake hours (awake bruxism or AB). In either case, the person generally doesn’t realize they’re clenching or grinding their teeth and often attributes their symptoms to the wrong causes.

Teeth grinding — and the uncomfortable side effects of it — generally has one of several root causes: improper alignment of teeth; stress, anxiety, anger; caffeine consumption, alcohol consumption; tobacco use; prescription medications; or airway issues.


Stress affects the human body in a variety of ways. It causes surges of adrenaline and cortisol, as well as increased heart rate and breathing.

When this happens, our bodies shift from “rest and digest” mode into “fight or flight” mode, and our muscles tense up and prepare for action. This tension is often noticeable in our neck, shoulders, and hips. Our jaw muscles often tense up too, and we grind unconsciously to cope with the pressure.


We love coffee and other foods and beverages with caffeine because they give us energy. But they’re also a muscle stimulant and can increase muscle activity in the jaw, resulting in grinding.


Just like caffeine, tobacco is a stimulant and increases muscle activity in the jaw.


drug abuse and dental health

Not only does alcohol consumption affect our sleep patterns, but it actually alters the neurotransmitters in our brain. Consequently, jaw muscles can overcompensate and become tense, resulting in grinding.

Also, if not properly managed, alcohol consumption can lead to dehydration, which makes our mouth dry and can lead to teeth grinding.

Airway Issues

Sleep disordered breathing can result in teeth grinding. If you’re having a difficult time breathing at night, you may unconsciously move your teeth around or grind them to open up your airway. This also occurs during the day, unconsciously. For example, if your body feels that your airway is more “open” with your jaw in a position that puts more stress on your teeth, but less stress on your airway, your body will choose to keep your airway open over keeping pressures off your teeth.

Prescription Medications

Some prescription medications, including antidepressants and psychiatric meds, can alter neurotransmitters in the brain and cause jaw tension and teeth grinding.

Tip: If you suspect you’re grinding your teeth as a result of a prescription medicine, talk to your prescribing doctor to see if your dosage can safely be adjusted or if there is another medication choice you can try.

Impact of Teeth Grinding: Signs and Symptoms

Do you think you or your loved one might be dealing with bruxism? Here are some signs to watch for:

  • Tooth damage: chipped, worn down, fractured, or loose teeth
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Headaches or earaches
  • A jaw that clicks or doesn’t open and close smoothly
  • A sore jaw
  • Irritated cheek tissue
  • Tongue indentations
  • Gum recession
  • Gingivitis
  • Damaged dental work

Tip: If you catch yourself clenching or grinding, place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your top teeth. This will automatically unclench your teeth and relax your jaw. This isn’t a permanent fix but can help provide relief from jaw tension in the moment.

Preventive Measures and Lifestyle Changes

You and your loved ones don’t need to live with the uncomfortable and potentially damaging effects of teeth grinding.

Successful treatment of bruxism addresses the root cause: If the root cause is physiological, dentistry, orthodontia, or airway treatment could help; If the root cause is stress, managing it is imperative. In other words, there are several effective treatment options! Let’s take a closer look:

Splint/Occlusal Appliance

In order to protect your teeth from chipping, cracking, or wearing down during sleep bruxism, Dr. Elizabeth Eggert or Dr. Jeff Eggert can create a custom in-mouth appliance, or splint. This splint will fit your teeth perfectly, protect their surfaces, and absorb bite force. There are different ways to design splints based on your individual needs. Dr. Jeff and Dr. Elizabeth are happy to help you determine which might be best!

Dental Restorations

When teeth grinding has been undetected or left untreated for a long time, teeth can become permanently damaged.

If needed, Dr. Elizabeth Eggert or Dr. Jeff Eggert can create crowns or veneers for your teeth to restore their strength and integrity and improve the appearance of your worn-down teeth. Properly shaping the teeth can also help relieve extra pressure on your jaw.


If Dr. Elizabeth or Dr. Jeff determines that the root cause of bruxism is due to severely misaligned teeth or jaw bones, they will refer you to an orthodontist for a consultation or sometimes we can even do the orthodontics in our office with Inivisalign. Braces and other orthodontic interventions can widen your palate, realign teeth, and reposition the jaw, correcting your bite. They can even help with breathing issues!

Treatment for Airway Issues

If Dr. Elizabeth Eggert or Dr. Jeff Eggert suspects that sleep disordered breathing is a factor for you, they will schedule an evaluation and discuss possible treatment options, including the reputable Seattle Protocol.


If the grinding is persistent and the effects are severe, Botox injections can provide temporary relief.  Botox is a neurotoxin that can be injected and has been found to temporarily relax muscles and reduce nerve signals in the jaw that lend themselves to teeth grinding.

De-Stressing Techniques:

If you’re under significant stress and it’s the likely cause of your teeth grinding condition, pursuing de-stressing techniques, such as therapy, breathwork, stretching, and journaling, can help reduce stress or help you manage it better. These interventions can also help alleviate overall body tension and stress-induced pain.

If you’re dealing with symptoms of teeth grinding, we’d encourage you to schedule a bruxism evaluation appointment with Dr. Elizabeth Eggert or Dr. Jeff Eggert. Give our office a call at 651.482.8412 to schedule your appointment.

When the Puzzle Pieces Aren’t Fitting Together, How to Improve Crowded Teeth – Lisa’s Story

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

How did this start?

Dr. Elizabeth Eggert has been working with Lisa since 2016.  Initially, Lisa was having issues due to a cracked tooth on her lower right side.  After a crown was done for that tooth, it historically and occasionally flares up for Lisa.  Dr. Elizabeth noticed that due to Lisa’s crowded teeth, the teeth in her lower jaw sit at an angulation toward her tongue, instead of straight up and down.  This puts extra forces on teeth and often will contribute to cracking.  Lisa also admitted that she finds herself clenching her teeth together, most of the day and probably at night.  This also produces more force than the teeth are prepared to handle.  Therefore, the fact that Lisa’s teeth are often sensitive comes as no surprise.

Initially, Lisa thought she would try a standard occlusal guard (or night guard) to help alleviate the pressure she experiences from clenching her teeth.  Lisa wore the appliance regularly and she believed it helped, but she still had sensitivity from time to time and when a second tooth started having symptoms of cracked tooth syndrome on her lower right, she knew it was time to take action.  She decided she wanted a more permanent solution to her bruxism and that is when the discussion of Invisalign began.   

What did Lisa want?

Lisa wanted to straighten her teeth, avoid getting more cracked teeth, and help stop her grinding at night.  Lisa didn’t want to have the wires and brackets of traditional braces, so she was excited about the option of Invisalign.  When Dr. Elizabeth was planning Lisa’s case, she helped Lisa notice that the small lateral incisors on her upper jaw played a role in why the bottom teeth were crowded.  Because of the smaller lateral incisors, the lower teeth had to be more “squished in” and crowded.  Dr. Elizabeth talked with Lisa about how after Invisalign treatment, there would be spaces left between her teeth on the upper arch.  Luckily, Dr. Elizabeth had a solution, which involved widening those teeth with veneers.  Lisa was excited about the prospect of straight teeth and understood why the veneer restorations were necessary so she decided to go forward with treatment.

What was involved?

Lisa underwent the Invisalign records process with Dr. Elizabeth so a treatment simulation could be done.  Her treatment was expected to take 10-12 months with the goals of unraveling the crowding, creating space for upper veneers, and providing support for her joints and muscles.

To help with her bruxism, Dr. Elizabeth added bite ramps to Lisa’s Invisalign aligners.  These are a way to help keep her muscle more calm because they don’t allow for easy clenching.  Despite the bite ramps, Lisa’s strong muscles did continue to clench somewhat, although things were improving for her joints and muscles throughout treatment.  Her continuous clenching did slow down her progress and after her initial set of 20 aligners, Lisa’s bite still wasn’t quite perfect.  Therefore, Dr. Elizabeth recommended a “refinement” treatment with Invisalign and Lisa’s treatment continued on for another 6 months.  During this time, Dr. Elizabeth also gave Lisa exercises to help stretch her jaw muscles so that her clenching wouldn’t continue to impede the progress for her Invisalign treatment.

After 18 months of Invisalign, it was time to plan for Lisa’s veneer restorations.  Some simple bite equilibration was also needed for Lisa to finalize her bite position and give her solid stops for her back teeth.  Lisa wanted whiter teeth so she decided to try the Opalescence Go! professional white strip whitening system to brighten her smile.  Lisa chose to only restore her 2 lateral incisors.  Dr. Elizabeth reviewed the pros and cons of completing veneers for her upper 4 front teeth, including better size proportioning, and continued color matching, but Lisa felt that 2 veneers was the right choice for her.  So, a laboratory wax-up was done as a blue print for the final restorations and the 2 porcelain veneers were completed for her upper lateral incisors.  Lisa was very excited about finishing her treatment after spending the time to move her teeth into a better position!

After Invisalign, Before Restorations

What does Lisa think of her results?

When we asked Lisa what she thought about undergoing the procedures before she had things done, she said “I kind of knew what Invisalign did – it was going to straighten my teeth and work out problems like cracks in my teeth and help me stop grinding at night.”  Lisa didn’t understand that the spacing issues she had were causing her crowding until we started analyzing things.

The process took longer than she was initially expecting, but she understood that her clenching was slowing things down so she worked hard to do her exercises.  In the end, she is happy with how everything looks and the outcome.  “It looks good!”  She really is hoping to slow down any new cracks from forming on her teeth.  In talking with anyone considering similar treatment, Lisa would tell them to talk to Dr. Elizabeth because this too may be an option for you and it is definitely a better alternative to brackets!


Lisa After