How CBCT Technology at Eggert Family Dentistry Can Help with TMD Diagnosis and Treatment

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

If you’ve been struggling with jaw pain, popping, clicking, or stiffness, you may be dealing with TMD (temporal mandibular joint dysfunction). At Eggert Family Dentistry in North Oaks, MN, we’re committed to helping you get to the root of what’s causing your discomfort. Thanks to our advanced CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) technology, we now have an even more precise way to diagnose and treat TMD, so you can find relief and regain comfort in your jaw.

CBCT scans offer 3D imaging that provides Dr. Jeff Eggert and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert with a comprehensive look at your jaw joint, surrounding bones, and expected areas for soft tissues. Unlike traditional X-rays, which offer only 2D images, CBCT technology gives us a 3D and detailed view of the complex structures that may be contributing to your TMD. This advanced imaging allows us to pinpoint any misalignments, degeneration, or abnormalities in your temporomandibular joint that could be causing your pain.

With this clearer picture, Dr. Jeff and Dr. Elizabeth can create a more targeted treatment plan designed specifically for your needs. Whether you need custom oral appliances, physical therapy, or even changes to your bite alignment, our goal is to help you manage your symptoms or keep you pain-free altogether. Having access to detailed CBCT images ensures that no aspect of your jaw’s health goes overlooked, giving us the ability to offer you more accurate and effective solutions.

If you’ve been dealing with chronic jaw pain or discomfort and aren’t sure what’s causing it, CBCT imaging could be the key to finding answers. Dr. Jeff and Dr. Elizabeth Eggert want to help you get to the bottom of what’s happening with your jaw joint. At Eggert Family Dentistry, we’re here to guide you toward relief and help you take steps toward a pain-free future. Call us for your consultation today! 651-482-8412.

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