By Dr. Elizabeth Eggert
Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Jeff are excited to share information with our Eggert Family Dentistry patients about a revolutionary option for full-arch dental implants. We’ve found the All-on-4® treatment is an excellent solution for patients who have a full arch of missing or soon-to-be missing teeth and require a modern way to replace their teeth.
The All-on-4® Treatment Concept Offers Many Advantages
Over traditional dentures, which is the classic way to replace a full arch of teeth, the implant supported prostheses fabricated for an All-on-4® patient allows for great stability because of the anchorage of the implants in the jaw bone. There are fewer implants required to anchor the All-On-4® than if we would replace all of your missing teeth with individual implants so the costs are significantly decreased. It is also almost always possible to place temporary provisional teeth onto the implants the same day as the surgery. These provisionals look and feel much like natural teeth, leaving you to lead a normal life after surgery.
All-on-4® Dental Implants Are Immediately Effective
For many patients, we can place implants and load the temporary prothesis in a single All-on-4® treatment. With All-on-4®, two implants are secured perpendicularly to the jawbone and two implants are secured at a 45-degree angle. The angle of the second pair of implants gives us access to more bone without having to wait for bone grafts to grow. The angulation of the implants allows for the procedure to be done without having to use bone grafts.
If you’re a candidate for the procedure, the All-on-4® treatment may enable you to leave the oral surgery office with a brand-new prothesis that provides immediate improvements to your ability to chew, speak, and flash a beautiful smile.
All-on-4® Dental Implants Are Long-Term
Like other dental implants, the All-on-4® treatment is a long-term solution. It is more cost-effective than individual implants for multiple teeth on the same jaw. And once placed, your prothesis will provide years of confidence, comfort, and self-esteem. It’s no wonder most patients would recommend going ahead with the All-on-4® treatment to others considering the procedure!
Eggert Family Dentistry is looking forward to sharing our experience with the All-on-4® treatment later this month. By coordinating with our tremendous oral surgeons, together we are able to provide this magnificent option. If a full-arch restoration is in your future, schedule a consultation with us to discuss your treatment options, including All-on-4®. We look forward to finding a solution for you!