Could I Have Dental Phobia?

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

Dental anxiety is a widespread problem. Most of us know at least a few people who struggle with it…maybe you’re even one of them. However, when push comes to shove, most people with dental anxiety can still maintain their routine dental visits. Dental phobia, however, is a much more serious condition. Let’s take a look at what dental phobia is, what it can be attributed to and the side effects of dental phobia.

Signs of dental phobia

People who struggle with dental phobia experience dread and terror at the mere thought of the dentist and avoid going to the dental office all together unless they are in extreme pain. In addition to avoidance, dental phobia is characterized by insomnia leading up to a dental appointment, crying, nervousness, panic or an upset stomach in the waiting room or exam room.

Causes of dental phobia

Dental phobia can stem from a variety of underlying fears:

  •  The fear of experiencing pain: Often attributed to bad childhood experiences or to other people’s horror stories, the fear of pain is one of the biggest contributors to dental phobia. Fortunately, with advancements in dental technology, most dental procedures today are virtually pain-free.
  • The fear of anesthetics: While used to calm, sedate or numb patients, people with dental phobia often fear anesthetics and their side effects such as nausea, dizziness or the “fat lip” feeling.
  • The fear of vulnerability: Many people with dental phobia say they fear having someone working within inches of their face and in their mouth. They also don’t want to feel helpless and want to be unable to see what’s going on.

Side effects

Left untreated, dental phobia can cause a variety of problems. Because people who suffer from dental phobia avoid regular dental visits and often delay needed dental work, they can develop gum disease and severe tooth decay and can experience early tooth loss. These unfortunate side effects can drastically impact a person’s self esteem and often these victims begin to withdraw socially. Worse yet, poor oral health has been proven to negatively impact a person’s heart and lung health and can lead to decreased life expectancy.

At Eggert Family Dentistry, we rally around our patients. We want to make sure you get the care you need and that you’re as comfortable as possible! If you or a loved one struggle with dental anxiety or dental phobia and would like to learn how we can help, give us a call at 651.482.8412.

Invisalign – Beth’s Story

By: Dr. Elizabeth Eggert

Where did Beth start?

Beth went through traditional orthodontics as a teenager, but didn’t wear her retainers afterward and as a result her teeth eventually became crowded again. Beth wanted her teeth to be straight, but she didn’t like the look of traditional braces, especially as an adult in the professional world. Dr. Elizabeth talked with Beth about Invisalign orthodontics and how it could help fix her crowding and improve her bite.

What was involved?

We sent impressions, photos, and x-rays of Beth’s teeth to Invisalign where they created a 3D simulation of how her teeth could move with Invisalign treatment. Beth was very happy with the simulation, which showed a significant improvement to her crowding, and decided to move forward with Invisalign. As part of Beth’s Invisalign treatment, Dr. Elizabeth slenderized some of Beth’s teeth to create more space for her teeth to better alleviate her crowding.

Beth’s case was expected to consist of 15 aligners that she would wear for two weeks at a time. Beth was very compliant and consistent in wearing her aligners as instructed and was able to complete her case after 15 aligners as expected. After her Invisalign treatment was complete, Dr. Elizabeth made minor alterations to the biting surface of some of Beth’s teeth to remove interferences and even out her bite. This process is called equilibration and will help to prevent Beth’s new smile from further wear.

What does Beth think?

While Beth admits going through Invisalign was a big commitment, she says her final results were well worth it. One of the biggest reasons Beth pursued orthodontic treatment was that she wanted to feel more confident in her smile. After finishing her Invisalign, she says she no longer feels any hesitation to show her teeth. When we asked Beth what she would tell someone considering Invisalign, her response was “Go for it!”

We are so happy that we could help restore Beth’s confidence in her smile. Congratulations, Beth, on your wonderful results!

Are you interested in Invisalign? Give us a call at 651.482.8412. We would be happy to schedule a consultation for you with Dr. Elizabeth to decide whether Invisalign is the right option for you!